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The rain had returned to perish the devotion between his heart and mine from this far in such a public setting. It was a grey day once again in New York – Clouds covering the sky with the possibility of striking lightening along with the pellets of water which thrash their way to the college grounds and down my bare legs as I walked to class in another summer dress.

But it wasn't like I was truely paying attention to the weather. Not when he was around. 

Glued to my seat even in the late evening beneath a stormy seduction, where my classmates were terminally zoned out, focused on the final ten minutes which counted down with every tantalising, tick of the clock – They await the end of the lesson, whilst I only find enjoyment from the way the Professor teaches, as if he is speaking omens, only I do not pay attention to what he speaks, only the way his lips move as he does so.

I sit closer than I previously did, back in my humble spot behind the golden hair of Rachel Mathews who always sits in the front row with her nameless friend by her side. I glare at her locks and the whispering hush she gives to the girl beside her – Is she talking about Professor Ren? I can't help the bubbling of jealousy, even though in this out of focus classroom, he and I are somehow, eye to eye – He spares me little glances, here and there, and I relish in dangers which sit in the browns. 

Today when I entered his classroom in a dress that particularly accentuated my curves, I could have sworn that I heard him groan. But understandably, he never did anything more than cast a lingering glance my way.

God – He must have taken his time when he moulded Kylo Ren. 

Mr. Ren wasn't a male model but he should have been, or at least he should have been the muse for the product that sculptors hacked away at, just to get the final result of the perfect male-specimen immortalised by marble. The lush black hair he groomed so carefree had a rippling quality, and his prominent nose should have been a blemish but it only eventuated and complemented his prominent cheekbones.

Professor Ren is handsome in an understated way, his tense jaw and broad shoulders spoke of strength. He possessed a latent, leonine power and always walked with purpose and authority.

Today he wore the usual attire, a tight-fitted formal shirt and dress pants which were clad around his thighs of pure muscle. 

"– Therefor, Bram Stoker's, Dracula – Is more so, faintly themed around the revelation of a vampire, but the whole novel is just like anything else..." His rough and deep voice cascaded over and around the melancholy classroom as he held the novel in one of his large hands. 

I swallowed and flicked my gaze away from him as the scarlet began to rise upon my skin as I noticed his eyes linger upon me when he said the last word of his next sentence.

"It's just another story about death, lies and sex."

Rachel Mathews' turns to whisper another round to the girl beside her, but despite my jealousy, who could truely blame the blonde woman? 

I had tried to pretend that I wasn't one of them before, an obsessive girl with a crush – But his charm was undeniable, who else could make the class so sensual when talking about a classic novel? Kylo Ren had multiple talents in the bed, but his ultimate strength was pulling attention to his glorious beaconing. 

Even when I refrain my attention away from him and to my blank page, he's all I can think about. I swirl my marking pen upon the white sheet, but all I can see in the tendrils of red is the same shade of his lips after my own had abused them last night in my dorm. 

Excitement tingles in my limbs and pricks the hair along my skin to a standstill – It was bewildering to me that he had practically asked me on a date, is that what it could be considered to be? Mr. Ren had asked me what I was doing after class and although I know that he will fill my empty schedule with his wide girth and abusive kisses, I still bite back the stretch of an eager smile.

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