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The wine had been spilled, it splattered upon his white shirt and sunk into his porcelain skin. Red liquid tattered all around as the silence hung suspended in the air, eyes gaping and wide as the same taste of bitterness, clung to their tongues as tightly as the stain will cling to his clothes.

Echoes of his Wife's voice shrieked, and hallows of my Father's frustration seeped into the throbbing of my ears, as the blonde woman dabbed her napkin upon his chest, and my Father stood me upright. A tangible scent of wasted wine flooded my senses and drowned all of my irritation to the darkest depths of my soul, but when Kylo's eyes turned to me, they only anchored me further down too.

My Mother had gasped against the music and stood from her chair abruptly to hand over more napkins to Mr. Ren's Wife, who put so much effort in trying to soak up all the spilt wine, as Kylo only sat soaking in his chair, with eyes of steel and a twitching muscle beneath them.

I swallowed roughly, and it felt as if I was choking on broken glass as I spoke to my Professor, "I'm so sorry, Sir –" I said, laying my empty cups on the table and holding my hands out defensively, "I tripped over the corner of the carpet."

"We really need to get rid of this old thing," My Father grumbled to the carpet, just as I watched Kylo, suck a sharp breath into his lungs, before mustering up all the strength he had to force a smile upon his face, where the wine mimicked the freckles upon it. 

"No worries," He said, with that deep tone, but there was something laced to it, something like a warning, "It happens to the best of us." 

His light phrase danced upon everyone's ears with pleasing turns, but his notions and sharp jaw gave my pulse humidity. What was I thinking? Well – I wasn't thinking at all, I was blinded by a cloud of extreme jealousy and all I could picture was the wine ruining the white of the blonde woman's dress, but ultimately, my aim was overthrown by his gravity, as if everything I did, was only for him. 

I gathered enough from the brown orbs and the expression around them, which shifted to everyone else, that while the others were here, I was safe. Though, through my stretch of imagination in my mortified state, I couldn't stay calm. Not that I was scared of Kylo Ren, when it was just him and I, but because I simply recognised that he knew every way in which he could destroy me. 

I was naive and ignorant, I was foolishly in love and envious of those who could take it away from me. Napkins turned red but his shirt never returned to white, nor did it dry. I stood rigid in my place, a sharp shudder running constantly, up and down my spine.

When the napkins are all laying soggy upon the hardwood table, even after Kylo had protested and even took it upon himself to fix the mess that I had caused, my Mother eventually sighs and tuts in that way that she always would, before her eyes then turn to me and she says, "Sweetheart, can you show Mr. Ren where the towels are and find him one of your Father's old shirts?"

My chest felt as if it was filling with concrete and weighing my guts down. With brittle effort, I parted my lips softly, after this whole time they had been tightly clamped together into a hard line. I nervously exhaled a breath which I didn't realise that I was holding and tear my eyes back to Kylo, to see the way he stiffens in his seat upon my Mother's request.

The thought of going upstairs with Kylo Ren in my childhood home, alone, scared me – And not because of the fact that I had just stained his shirt with rich wine, which made the cloth cling to his chest and make his skin sticky, but because for once, I didn't know what to expect this time, when we were to be away from prying eyes. 

I opened my mouth to speak but the air that I sucked in, only felt as if I had inhaled a sandstorm, to which my tongue dried and my throat clenched closed. 

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