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Overwhelmed by my sudden timidness, Kylo had tugged me quickly against his side whilst his arm then slung protectively around my back and in his hold, I felt as if I could sail a storm with practiced ease only if he was my weathered flag and used those warm eyes to clear the murky skies of my awful nerves.

But the skies weren't murky nor dark today as we left the coffee shop, they were still that same crystal blue and had a golden shine to a departing midday sun. Although, in the glow, I felt as if this still must be a dream for I really don't understand how this is truely happening to me again.

How had my Professor, magically have shown up to the cafe on the day that I was slowly losing hope of rebuilding my need for mending my lonely bones with someone who had crushed them before and continued to decay them today when he blatantly stood me up? Was Mr. Ren – Kylo, a night and shining armour to my wonders and sad life? Or beneath that armour of silver, was he exactly like Leo Grey?

There's a little part of me who knows this cannot result in something good. What benefits did the Professor get from me, other than my willingness to please him with the opening of my legs? Nothing. I can't give him anything else in a relationship, and that must be why he keeps glancing to the strangers around us as he leads me down the street – He's insuring that one of those strangers isn't so. He's cautious of the chance of being caught with me, his student.

Walking down the city street, at any chance he got, he would sneak impatient caresses when he thought that we were in the clear, away from anyone who may recognise the two of us, who were remarkably misplaced this close and together.

His long fingers dance around my waist and occasionally slip back to my lower spine that shivered beneath the thin shirt that I wore, to which his burning touch mended all my fears with the rasping against me, setting my own skin aflame.

I grimace to myself as I am being taken somewhere unknown, this is such a dangerous situation and look at me, I am just allowing him to lead me anywhere as if I was a dog tied to a leash who didn't know any better.

I swallow roughly as we turn around the corner of a main road and slip down a narrower street where cars all line the edges with parking permits or tickets folded beneath their windshield wipers.

Glancing to the older man beside me, Kylo's eyes grow darker with raw possession as he tugs me even closer to his hip as if he wanted me to wrap myself around him instead, and sinking into the buzz inside my brain, sparks zap throughout my system as I want to do nothing other than curl my fingers into the long hair of his or silk my hand up the fabric of his clothes and scrape my fingernails down his back.

Then all of a sudden, he stops his long footing in which I struggled to keep up with and stands before a relatively new car – That's all I could tell about it, other than it was a dark black with tinted windows and looked expensive.

"Is this your car?" I ask stupidly, as he unleashes his hand from me and shoves his hand into his pocket.

Retrieving a set of keys, he only cocks his eyebrow and smirks to me, leaving me stunned and speechless like every other time he would as he simply clicks the unlocked button on it, "Yes." Was all he said as the car beeped and did most of the answering for him.

Then walking around to the drivers side and opening his door, I stand frozen before the passengers side. Snapping my head in every direction of the empty parking strip, I have to blow a harsh breath to calm down the erratic beat of my heart as I quickly understand what is about to happen.

He really is about to fuck me in his car, isn't he? And I am only going to let him.

In a split second, he must have grown too impatient with my frozen state as through the tinted windows of his sleek car, I watch him lean over the console and open the door from the inside for me. Shaking myself out of my heated daze, I quickly snatch my fingers to the handle on the outside and continue opening it before he thinks that I am narcoleptic or something, from the way I always space out in my own mind because everything he does, somehow, has the power to shock me into a stunned state and stare.

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