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"So – This is the end?" 

Kylo Ren inhales a large breath, moving my body up as I rest my head upon his toned chest, only to fall back down slowly as he breathes it out. "I suppose," He whispers into my hair.

Tomorrow, our secret came to a loud end, but tonight, there was a silence to New York City unlike no other when the sun retreated into the horizon and the midnight moon, took its place. 

After another long, tiring day, where the halls are filled with rustling papers and the tapping of student's quick feet, echoed upon the floors of the college, the night finally ebbs onwards, and he and I retreat back to the hotel, where the room is nothing but drastically empty from interlopers, allowing only our hearts and gentle hushes, to break the eerie quiet.

It was the first night that rain hadn't tried to wash away our sins, a night which was unusually warm as midnight had marched steadily towards us, while we spent another night listening to each-other's harmonious breaths, and basking beneath the illuminance that the city skyline gave as it radiated through the hotel room's wide window and onto the tangling of our veins and bones.

I smile softly to myself at his reply, to which I could even feel those simple words vibrate through his chest and around his beating heart. With dreaming visions behind closed lids, came the heartwarming feeling, unlike no other... Home, or finally, peace. It seemed I only felt this way, when the sun falls to the moon's undeniable power, bringing a flicker of devoted happiness to blossom in the cracks of my heart at the mere warmth that only, Kylo Ren could bring to me, in the dark, cold nights of secrecy.

But, in only a matter of time, our love was to never spare a second moment in the icy chill of unsolicited confidentiality, for a while ago, he had asked me to leave with him, and I said yes – Furthermore, with the addition of a slow drawl of time, departure had soon come and finally, it was our moment. 

In the sweet affectionate darkness, the sounds of a busy, city night became loud to my ears. I listened intently for a split second to the sounds coming from the horns of cars, distant and drunken shouts of slickers, and even the whisper of the wind which seemed thunderous – But, I only continue to grin meekly to the clashing of noise, for his heartbeat below, was all I ever wanted to hear, forevermore. 

Despite how quiet I had stayed during the loud days spent in his class or the hours spent with shy shoulders and enchanting eyes hidden behind my hair, I couldn't get away from the feeling, the whispers of my demolished morals, or even the inbuilt shame. However, tonight, we had seemed to shed our secrets from our broken skin, just the same as we had stripped out of our clothes – One more day. One more day spent in that damned classroom, and we would be free.

Cocooned in a ceramic bathtub, Kylo took up most of the space, leaving nowhere for me to stay, other than practically on top of him – Although, neither of us were complaining.

The water was warmer than the weather, but the scent was unlike anything compared to the city – It was the perfect mixture between sweet and wild, for the bubbles were popping only with the scent of berries and the other hints of musk, where purely the fresh aroma of Kylo Ren, himself. The bubbles were raised high above the waterline, covering our indecency, but every once and while, Kylo would slightly shift and my breasts would poke through the white cloud of soap – And I wasn't sure if he was doing that intentionally or not. 

I was settled against his chest and in between his long legs, allowing just the perfect position for him to wrap his toned arms around my waist and stomach, only pulling me in closer. 

We hadn't disrupted the serenity for a while, not until I spoke previously, but the water was yet to cool around us – Perhaps, that was the benefit of Kylo always making my body shudder with his heated touches or turn my cheeks incredibly pink. 

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