Wedding Dance // G.D

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~present day~

~ You & Me plays by Lifehouse plays ~

"And now introducing Mr and Mrs Dolan for their first dance" you faintly hear someone say over the microphone as Grayson takes your hand in his and pulls you onto the dance floor. His hand wrapping gently around the small of your back and taking your right hand in his. You rest your head on his chest as you are significantly shorter than him. Taking in the all to familiar smell of your newlywed husband you gently swayed back and forth, moving around the dance floor to the beat of the song.

"You look gorgeous peach," Grayson said leaning down to leave a kiss atop your head.

"You don't look so bad yourself Dolan" you chuckled back looking up at Grayson with the biggest grin on your face.

"You're a Dolan now to peach don't forget that" he sassed with a small laugh escaping from his smile.

"Can't get rid of me now, you're stuck with me forever" you teased, standing up slightly taller to connect your lips with his.

"And a day peach and a day" Grayson reassures you, making your heart swell a thousand times bigger than it already was. Your mind wonders off for a moment, remembering the first time you met the man who would eventually become apart of you, become your significant other and change your life in its entirety, just how did you meet, Grayson Bailey Dolan.

flashback - November of 2017

You had met the Dolans via your life long best friend, David Dobrik. having grown up together thinking you were cousins, he treated you like a little sister with him being a few years older and all. Asking you to move in with him only a few short months after he had moved into his house, his only reasoning being he just missed having you around. David's house was always chaotic, to say the least, something was always being filmed and someone always had a plan and today just so happened to be Davids. David was going to shoot some vlog footage with the Dolan Twins at their famed warehouse and you couldn't pass up the opportunity to tag along. after being in L.A for a few months now you had yet to open up to the lifestyle David lived and just wanted to branch out and explore all that this crazy life had to offer, and meeting new people was at the top of that every growing list. After arriving at the warehouse, both Ethan and Grayson welcomed David, Zane and Todd with a handshake and bro hug, all happy to see each other like they were old lifelong friends. you couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of the 5 guys all deep in conversation before Grayson's eyes wandered over to you standing quietly in the corner.

"And who's this? Grayson asked inquisitively, shooting you a welcoming smile as he walked closer to you.

"Oh I'm Y/N, sorry, David probably didn't mention I was tagging along I just wanted to see what all the fuss about" you smiled widely in a flirtatious matter extending your hand out for a handshake. Grayson politely declined the handshake, instead, bringing you in for a more welcoming side hug and kiss on the head.

"Well prepared to be blown away peach," he said letting you go and leading everyone into the warehouse. You were stunned by his openness, to say the least.

You kept to yourself most of that day, letting the boys creat content. You admired Grayson from afar and sometimes shared a moment too long staring at each other, both instantly intoxicated by each other. Ethan hitting Grays chest every now and again to bring his twin back to reality. But when David accidentally gave himself a concussion that's when things got interesting. coming off the skateboard all you remember hearing is the sound of Davids head hitting the wooden ramp before your maternal instincts kicked in. You were helping him out to the car while Todd and Zane helped Ethan pack up everything used from shooting that day. Grayson offered to help you get David into the passenger's side of the Tesla.

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