Waterbirth // E.D

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I could defiantly see Ethan being the fiancé that kinda just goes with whatever it is that you wanna do. who is he to tell you how to deliver a baby? He doesn't know what it's like and he never will. That shit looks painful so if you wanna do it at home, in the bath with a midwife and assistance? So be it.

He'd have his questions though, his quires.

"But mama? Won't he drown?"

"is it safe? Sanitary?"

And of course the all-important question he was afraid to ask because he didn't want to answer to be no.

"C-can I be in the bath with you?" and of course the answer was always going to be a yes, but as you sat on the countertop, nice and plump, swinging your legs as you dipped the chocolate bar into the peanut butter jar and answered a nervously awaiting Ethan who was trying his best to cook you guys some stake.

"E, I think I'm gonna need you in there with me, but I won't force you. As long as your in the bathroom I'll be happy.

And Ethan thought about it, really hard too. And he decided that maybe being in the water with you wasn't the best idea, what if something happened and he needed to drive you to the hospital? He cant do that wet! and having to dry off would only waist time. he wanted to expect the unexpected, be a pillar of strength for you.

But as soon as he heard your moans of pain? the screams for help and the uncomfortable whimpers? He was right behind you. stripping down to just his briefs as you could lean right against his chest when you finished your latest contraction. Hands instantly wrapping around your waist to rub your tummy.

"Mama, babe m'so proud of you" he'd whisper in your ear as you rested your head on his chest. Hair drenched in sweat and face flushed red. A panting mess.

"You did this to me, y-you knocked me up and now your big-headed son is tearing me apart" now any other day Ethan would've fought back. Would've given you the banter you craved but right now? he couldn't tell if you were being serious or if you were joking. You sounded serious? But he knows you, knows your in pain and uncomfortable.

"You knew I was seven and a half pounds mama, of course little man is gonna be just like his dadda."

Now if there was something Ethan never got used to? It was listening to how painful your moans were. He'd been the reason behind your moans before- they sounded angelic, blissful. But these moans? Hurt his heart, all he wanted to do was take the pain away – but he couldn't.

"He's being a bit stubborn Y/n, you're stuck on 9 centimeters" the midwife announced after checking the status of your labor.

"See, told you, mama, just like his dadda" Ethan cooed, kissing your glistening temple as you moaned.

"Ahh- fuck! E, n-never again" you gritted your teeth through the latest contraction, barley a minute apart at this point.

"You're doing so well babe, I love you so fucking much, the strongest women I know" Ethan was laying on the praise, trying his absolute best to keep his shit together for the sack of you. he was a mess, hated seeing you like this, so sore and in so much pain. he could feel you trembling against him. swore you were passed out for a minute or two when you went limp in his arms. But you were just exhausted. The contractions taking every last bit of energy from you, draining you.

"Okay Y/n your ten centimeters, ready to start pushing at your next contraction?" the midwife asked as if it was a question and you had a choice?

"N-no" you sighed, looking up and Ethan you swiped your drenched hair out of your face and help you close.

"You gotta mama, little guy wants to meet you."

"Do you wanna try another position sweetheart?" the midwife asked softly right as another contraction was approaching.

"Ahh n-no, just get him out of me!!" you started sobbing, a gentle cry that broke Ethan's heart. He wanted to meet his son, wanted to be a father but he never realised how much pain it would cause.

"Alright Y/n push! C'mon sweetheart you can do it" Ethan squeezed your hand as the midwife instructed you to push, his hand felt as if it had been crushed by a vice when you started pushing and squeezing his hand back.

"UUhhhhh—fuc-!" you were already exhausted, the water a misty murky colour.

"Mama you did so well! Another push yeah? C'mon little mans almost here" Ethan leaned back a little more against the tub, bring you with him as your legs parted wider.

Through another push, you screamed, so much pain radiating through your entire body.

"UHhh, I ha-hate you!" you didn't mean it, no way in hell could you ever hate Ethan Dolan, the love of your life, your best friend. But he did this to you, put this child inside you.

"I know you do but you gotta push mama push!"


"Almost there Y/n one more push and you'll have your beautiful baby boy okay" the midwife looked at Ethan who was so nervous he was pale, all colour drained from his face as he just came to the realisation that – holy fuck? he was about to be a dad. Before Grayson? the impossible just became possible.

"I wish I had the epidural! Why did you let me do this E?" a sobbing mess, your emotions were everywhere, you just wanted it to be over.

"Mama one more push okay? Then it's over, I'm so proud of you" Ethan himself was now sobbing.

"Push Y/n, one more sweetheart"

And with an animalistic scream, you pushed. Pushed as hard as you could until – nothing, you felt nothing and all of a sudden there was this crying noise that wasn't you. sounded more desperate, younger. Like a tiny human.

As you opened your eyes you felt the slimy goop covered human being placed your chest, his tiny cries so desperate for his mama. Ethan lost it then and there, all masculinity flew out the window the moment he saw his son for the first time – nuzzling against his Mamas chest just above the water in the bath.

"H-hi little one, I'm your mama" you cooed as Ethan held you tight. His eyes so watery at the sight before him.

"You did it, babe, thank you so much" resting his chin on the top of your head as he looked down at his son. half him, half the love of his life.

"I don't hate you E" you whispered, scared taking to loud would scare your tiny boy.

"I know you don't mama"

It was an experience Ethan wouldn't ever forget, such an intimate moment – the birth of his firstborn.

At home - a waterbirth.

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