Concussed In Love // G.D

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The moment Ethan witnessed Grayson's head collide with the pavement, he knew there would be ramifications to his actions. What started as a normal play argument for the camera quickly escalated into ill beat yo' ass" "ass if!! you're too scrawny E" he was determined to put Grayson in his place even if it had just started like any other video, simply play. When Grayson rolled over, an agonising grown leaving his parted lips, eyes squeezed shut to keep any form of light out, Ethan felt the adrenaline cores through his veins, blood pumping to his head so quickly he thought he would pass out.

"Bro? you good? I didn't mean to.... Holy shit your bleeding!" Ethan's voice full of concern for his now bleeding brother. Ethan didn't know what to do so he reached for his phone to call the only person he knew would actually be able to help him in his current situation, Y/n, Grayson long-term girlfriend and recently announced fiancée. An ER nurse she was as qualified to help Grayson more then the average person could, working well under pressure she'd know exactly how to handle E's current state of mind. Before Ethan could connect the call Grayson hand wrapped around Ethan's shaking wrist, pulling his attention to his brother who was now trying to sit up.

"Bro, I swear if you call Y/n ill kill you before she has the case to kill you herself"

"Grayson, are you kidding me! your BLEEDING from your fucking head!?" Ethan ran his hands through his hair unable to register properly what was going on. "you can't be serious right now Gray"

"Ethan we both know she'll skin you alive for causing such a drama, not to mention she's at work! Can we just continue with the video? I'll throw a Bennie and everything will be fine" Grayson was adamant about finishing what they had started, wanting to get this week's video filmed in its entirety so they could be at least a week ahead on their schedule.

"Gray, I don't think its that quick of a fix this time, your bleeding pretty bad, you might have a concussion! And need actual stitches!" Ethan was frantically pacing back and forth around the pergola, Grayson fumbling down onto the outdoor couch as he tried to stand, his fingers going to touch the throbbing area on the side of his head. Looking his blood covered fingers he didn't take long to convince he needed something to help stop the bleeding.

"can you go get the super glue E? shits not stopping" He mumbled as he struggled to keep his eyes open, feeling extremely tired and weak all of a sudden.

"Gray! Yo Grayson! don't even try falling asleep, I'm taking you to the ER" it wasn't exactly how Ethan planned his day going and it surely wasn't what Grayson had in mind for a video but he couldn't help but grin as a light chuckle left his lips, "what's so funny, what could possibly be making you laugh right now? your most likely concussed and I'm about to be buried alive!" Ethan asks as he helped Grayson through the house towards the Jeep, being careful to hold Grayson head so the blood wouldn't run down any further on his face.

"surprising my brother's fiancée with injured fiancé prank gone wrong video?"


"E?" Grayson grumbled from the passenger's seat softly as he rests his head against the cold window, fighting to keep his eyes open.

"yeah Gray?"

"Y/n's not gonna wanna marry me now I'm broken" the sentence that came from his brother's mouth really stunned Ethan, he wasn't sure how to respond to such a ridiculous statement.

"Gray Y/n would marry you regardless, besides your not broken just concussed, maybe"

"she always te-tells me her biggest fear is seeing me on one of her ER beds E, she's gonna hate me, won't wanna marry me anymore" he reached for the plain silver ring hanging from his necklace. Y/n had gifted him the simple yet sentimental ring one month into their engagement "I wanted to give you something just as special bub" she said as he opened the tiny ring box, her hands massaging his shoulders from behind him. "its perfect thank you peach, this is so cool E! look what I got!"

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