Roughing It // E.D * G.D

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Curled up on the lounge you clicked on your best friends newest weekly video, your clammy hand caressing the TV remote as you pressed play, the title sending chills through your body as you watched both Ethan and Grayson appear on the large crisp screen. To say you were nervous was an understatement, you couldn't help but feel your heart rate escalate as you watched on, hoping that the years of perfecting their editing skills could pay off, just praying that they could make it look like the trace of you, their beloved best friend didn't accompany them on their overnight camping trip, and most importantly, didn't have some for the roughest sex in your life, no pun intended.

It all happened so fast, you couldn't remember exactly how it started but the one thing you know for sure was that Grayson was the one who imitated it.

"God! Y/n! you complain more than Ethan does, could you stop for maybe, like 5 minutes before I physically make you myself." Grayson huffed as he played with the fire, poking at it with a stick as he watched the members fly into the dark sky. You scoffed, cleaning the bowls from the delightful dinner of bugs & beans.

"Bite my fuckin' ass, Dolan, you couldn't shut me up even if you wanted to, besides, maybe if you didn't try to feed me literal bugs for dinner I wouldn't be in such a pissy mood."

"You haven't stopped the entire day!" Grayson yelled, standing up from his seat by the fire as he walked over to where you were washing the pan out "I've got a fuckin headache from your incessant complaining."

"Then fuckin leave me alone then!? God, it's like you didn't beg me to come with you guys even though you damn well knew I hate everything! associated with camping, it's like you wanted me to fuckin bitch and moan your ear off? You shou..." before you could finish your sassy argument Grayson's calloused hand wrapped around your jaw, covering your mouth as he pressed his chest against your back and held you securely against him by bringing his other arm around your waist. breathing heavily through your nose your eyes widened when you felt Grayson's hard on press against the small of your back, you couldn't process what was happening fast enough.

"Maybe I needed an excuse to finally fuck that pretty mouth of yours, always find myself jerking off to the thought of your lips around me." Grayson's warm breath fanning over your neck before his lips made soft contact against the juncture of your neck, sending instant Goosebumps over your skin, a slight whimper escaping your lips and vibrating against Grayson's hand.

"Yo Y/n! Gray? Try not to kill each other out there, please? And shut up I'm trying to sleep!" you heard Ethan's voice come from inside the small tent, already trying to go to sleep. Grayson's hand instantly gripped around your mouth tighter.

"Don't fuckin' make a sound princess, we don't want E finding you down on your knees in front of me now do you?" he questioned, he was waiting for your consent, Grayson knew full well that if he took his hand away from you and you told him to fuck off, he would, but to his surprise, you never did. when Grayson removed his hand from against your mouth – the first thing you did was nod, turning around to face Grayson, you looked up at him through your big doe eyes.

"How exactly were you planning to shut me up Dolan?" biting your lip as your hands trailed up his body to wrap around the back of his neck. His eyes never leaving yours for a minute.

"just thought I'd shove my dick down your throat" he laughed with a devilish smirk, completely serious yet joking at the same time. leaning in you close the space between the two of you.

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