Arrival // G.D

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You awoke to the feeling of what felt like the left side of the rib-cage breaking. Your hand imminently going to caress your 38-week stomach.

"Sshh, go back to sleep little one" you wined as you slowly circled your hand over your swollen belly. As the kicking persisted the realisation set in that you would not be getting any sleep anytime soon. Checked the time on your phone you were unimpressed at the time staring back at you, 2:30am. A slight moan left your mouth as you rolled over to see your boyfriend Grayson sleeping soundly next to you. A slight giggle escaping your mouth quickly followed by a hard kick by your little one.

"Yeah, bub I know" gently rubbing your stomach in a circular motion "daddy's still sleeping, I wish I was too" you swore if you could see your baby girl right now, she'd be poking her tiny tongue out at you.

"Ow!" You winced, your little bundle of joy using you as her personal punching bag. "Bub, please stop yeah? It's not funny anymore, well it never was to begin with, but yeah just cut it out okay? Cool." you whined at your stomach as you waddled your way into the kitchen.

At the beginning of your pregnancy, Grayson started filling the fridge and pantry with weird and wonderful food so you would never go without. You bit your lip as you looked through the pantry, your eyes falling on the fresh container of peanut butter. Placing it on the counter you opened the fridge, your mouth instantly salivating at the sight of the pickle jar. You used the stepping stool to help yourself up onto the bench and began dipping the pickles into the peanut butter.

Your little girl kicking at your stomach as to say she was happy with your late-night decision.

"I know good right?" you giggled to yourself dipping another pickle into the peanut butter. You heard heavy footsteps coming down the hall and soon a gentle hand landed on your shoulder, massaging the tense muscle.

"What unholy thing are you snacking on this early in the morning Y/n?" you heard a sleepy Grayson mumble as he wiped his other hand over his eye.

"Hey, don't knock it till you try it, besides" you took another bite of the peanut covered pickle "your baby girl was craving it not me" everything you had eaten in the past month had been at the decision of your unborn child. She was picky and very weird. The amount of watermelon you had consumed had to have of been a world record and you couldn't stand the smell of pepperoni pizza right now.

Grayson moved himself between your legs as they dangled over the edge of the counter-top, resting his hands on your hips.

"Why do you insist on making your mama eat weird and revolting food baby? And not to mention she doesn't like to be woken up at all hours of the morning. She needs her beauty sleep angel, well not that she isn't beautiful, but you get the point" Gray babbled as he leaned down to place a gentle kiss on your belly. She kicked in response of hearing her daddy's voice. "you know" Gray smirked as he came back up to leave a kiss on your lips, trailing tender kissing down the left side of your neck "you look awfully sexy while you're pregnant, not that you weren't sexy before, but you have this glow about you that I can't resist" continuing his assault on your neck. \

A soft moan left your mouth as your lips parted at the feeling of Gray's warm lips against your neck. He ran his hands up your oversized shirt which was coincidentally, his, and placed them atop your baby bump.

"I can't wait to meet our beautiful girl, she's going to be just as perfect as you y/n"

"pfft, I'm not perfect Gray" biting into the next pickle. He chuckled at the sight of you obnoxiously chewing, exaggerating your facial expressions. He caved in to the curiosity.

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