Six Years // G.D

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"You gonna get the tuna sashimi?" You asked as you looked over the menu. Sushi had always been a favourite of not only yours but Grayson's also - it made perfect sense that it would be the meal you shared together on your six year anniversary.

"I think I might go salmon this time, how about you bub?" Grayson asked as he reached out to take a sip of his Japanese style beer.

"Not really feeling seafood so I might just go basic and get the teriyaki" you mulled over the decision for a little while longer - every so often taking a sip from your pear cider and stealing a grace at the man who had loved you unconditionally for six beautiful years. An engagement ring glistening perfectly on your ring finger in the dimly lit atmosphere of the aesthetically pleasing restaurant.

The sound of Grayson's husky voice ordering drew you back to reality - you hadn't even noticed you'd drifted off into a faraway land that was the events of which you had planned later that night. You crossed your legs under the table - biting your bottom lip as you did so. Capturing a soft moan as you did so. The butt plug you had been wearing since you left the hotel for dinner hitting something inside you that filled your body with such pleasure.

It was a surprise - Grayson none the wiser what secrets you held as he ordered and raised a brow at you. Catching you just as you released your plump bottom lip. The sudden feeling of being caught sending a wave of heat rushing not only to your cheeks but to your core.

"Cheers" Grayson thanked the waitress as she walked away, his eyes once again falling onto you. He took notice in how you wore your hair, remembering the time and effort it took to get just right in the bathroom of your hotel room. Of course, Grayson spared no expense when it came to choosing the most luxurious hotel room in L.A. Although it was one night he wanted it to be memorable. And by staying somewhere other than home, it eliminated all potential possibilities of interruptions from one nosy Ethan Dolan.

"What's got you so squirmy?" Grayson asked taking yet another sip of his beer.

"Nothing" you replied. "I'm just not used to the feeling of being so full" 'fuck - good one Y/n'

"Full?" Grayson pressed.

"Yeah full, you know? We did have those burritos in the park earlier and not to mention the gelato we downed" remembering back to how you compromised with Grayson a day earlier. Saying 'you can take me wherever you wanna go and spend as much as you please as long as we get to eat burritos at our old picnic spot'

That was always something you and Grayson used to do. Whenever you flew out to L.A it was the first thing on the itinerary.

"Sure, so it's got nothing to do with the toys I saw you packing in your bag last night?" Grayson asked - he'd seen you try discreetly pack all the toys you'd brought on Monday into your suitcase, deciding to just go with the flow until now. Grayson was intrigued.

"I have no idea what you're talking about Gray," you said rolling your eyes - taking a bigger much-needed sip from your cider.

"My ass y/l/n you can lie to me, the corner of your lip twitches" Grayson smiled as he leaned in on his hands - elbows resting on the table. "Your yo to something, I can smell you from here"

"That's just the eels in the kitchen Gray, they're a natural aphrodisiac" you sassed. A smirk so wide on your face as you watched Grayson laugh. The whole world knew Grayson Dolan had a beautiful smile with an even more perfect laugh to match - but not everybody could say they were sometimes the reason behind it.

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