Chapter 7

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"Okay then! We'll stay."

One way or another, Dabi and Deku ended up staying at the Himiko family's house more than they could've ever expected.

Every Sunday evening, Toga's father would return and a new pile of illegal products would appear around the house. He made no comment about the cleaner house and completely ignored the family apart from making sure Toga went to school and that she was educated.

Nothing was said when Himiko, as Dabi and Deku came to call her, requested more food each week as he only nodded before he continued smoking. He would dissappear off drunk for most of the night and return again before the morning smelling like purfume to make sure Toga was at school.

So for a typical week, Dabi and Deku would go around doing odd jobs to save money and only return to the house for dinner.

A typical day would go like this, Toga woke up and ate breakfast while her father watched her condescendingly until she left. She would secretly greet the boys behind the fence before running to school.

The two boys would then go around with their work and collected enough money for their monthly dye and kept the rest aside.

And when Toga  came home from school, she would finish her homework before playing in the garden to try and catch a bird. Himiko had gotten use to her daughter's habit finally and her wild shrieks came to a permanent end.

When her husband would finally leave to whatever bar for the night, Himiko would start with cleaning up the mess he left such as the piles of ash and airing out the smoke by opening the windows. She stated to do the chores more regularly since this time, Deku and Dabi would come jumping over the fence to help out.

Dabi would go over what Toga learnt in school to make sure her studies were good so her husband wouldn't complain while Himiko taught Deku how to cook.

After dinner was made, the four of them would sit together and ate while happy chatter filled the air.

Although most of the chatter consisted of Dabi and Toga fighting over some problem that they found.

The one topic that kept repeating was how Toga caught her birds. She liked sitting on the garden tree until one landed and like a cat, she would pounce and grab onto the animal before sinking her teeth in.

However, Dabi found preferred to set a trap and watch as the bird flies towards to food only to be caught and eaten.

The topic was stupid and made no sense yet the two seemed to not be able to drop it and it appeared as a subject at the dinner table about twice a week.

Himiko's diet was still trying to get use to healthy warm meals rather than cold junk food ordered the day before but she was doing well since Izuku would make sure her body was okay. He was the reason she could accept Toga's odd habit because once in a while, Izuku would come out to hunt down another person's colored organ and come home with blood down his face.

Himiko would help wash their clothes and even taught Deku how to properly remove blood stains as well as other basics things such as when a vital organ was eaten, the dead body can be disposed in the garbage bins where Dabi and Deku slept at night during the week. They had blankets and pillows which Himiko found in the attic however so they weren't cold.

When they were done eating, Himiko would insist on doing the dishes alone and said she felt better if he learnt school lessons from Toga instead.

Toga was a year older than Deku but he didn't mind, Deku's ridiculously sharp instincts and curiousity to learn helped him easily understand all her subjects and with Izuku's help, most small details were memorized too.

Friday night when Himiko's husband left for the bar, he would be gone until Sunday evening so the two boys would crash in the living room and pile on the floor. More often than not, Toga would would even join them and the three would dog pile together.

Weeks became months and months became years as Dabi and Deku lived on both the streets and the Himiko household.

Himiko's Friday night drinking habit reduced over time and her sleeping pills were needed less as she got a better night sleep when she worked hard during the day.

Every month, she would help out with their dyes too and eventually both boys could dye their hair well and also know how to keep it soft. Although, Deku's hair seemed permanently soft no matter what he did to it which caused Himiko to develop the habit of patting his head.

With the spare cash that Dabi and Deku worked to keep, they would use a little bit of it each year to buy each other presents when their birthdays came around and the following weekend would consist of the kids eating a birthday cake Himiko made.

Toga didn't like cooking but she would help out cutting up the ingredients while Dabi helped light the stove when it became faulty which was more often than not.

And by the time Deku turned 14, he was capable of whipping up meals from scratch as well as had a wide range of quirks which Izuku kept up such pinpoint teleportation, perfect stitches, super speed, ridiculous jumping power, DNA tracking, other dimensionsal storage, and clairvoyant sight. All these were developed so he could more easily track down his targets.

He didn't seem to have a limit of skills as long as it was developed with targets in mind.

Deku's nails sharpened naturally too since sometimes he didn't have a knife ready in storage when he needed to cut open a person.

And despite being the complete oddballs that they were, they somehow came to live the whole decade like this as a haphazardly thrown together family.

That was until Himiko died.

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