Chapter 47

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"Just like how he came to find us!"

Sitting alone at the top of his apple tree, Deku sat looking down at the graveyard he had created.

"Hey mom..." he said as he smiled sadly at the oldest grave there.

"Himiko... Magne... How are you all?"

His voice cracked as he plucked one of the blood red apples off the tree. It was a miracle a tree could even flourish in the conditions it was in and Deku laughed as he ate.

What's so funny?

Well I just realized this tree is like us.

He stood up from his cross legged position and danced along the branches.



Climbing into the depths of the leaves, he made himself comfortable, hidden from sight.

This tree must've gotton it's nutrients from the dead people I've buried.

That's certainly true. There's no fertilizer otherwise in this baren place. Are you saying we're like the tree since these are also the same people we've had to take nutrients from to live? Except Magne of course.

Deku nodded as he leaned against the trunk.

And I'm saying this tree's existance is an anomaly. A demon tree if you would.


I'm not wrong.


This tree grew from literal blood of others, and it lives on because of it.

They sighed in their black and white world where nothing seemed to be happening as boredom overcame them.

Wanna bury the bodies Eri healed?

Deku nodded before Izuku teleported them to the bottom of the hill where a massive pile of unlaid rocks and a shovel lay.

It was meticulous work but they both wanted to give all their victims a proper burial.

Searching all over for potential places for Deku to dissappear to, the league and the heroes spent the next few days desperately searching for Deku. The whole time working together to pinpoint the green head's location. They had the pros know about it and for all patrols everywhere know that if seen, do not arrest. Instead, they had to try and speak to him.

Even the press got involved and despite all the media and attention the search created, there was no concise lead.

"He must not be in any city..." they concluded and that lead the league to realise.

"He's probably at that grave.... It was in the middle of nowhere."

"But where is the apple tree?" Toga asked but no one knew the answer and it took a few days to pass when results came in.

They had used search quirks on the apples Deku brought in once in a while to look as well as helicopters for a mountain covered in graves and finally, they pinpointed a location.

With finally a chance to see Deku again, the league immediately got ready with Eri and heroes in tow as Kurogiri teleported them as close as he could. He couldn't teleported into unknown locations so they ended up near the apartment Deku lived in with his mother.

"You came here before?" Bakugou asked, his fierce personality no where to be seen and it was concerning everyone.

"Well I needed to do a background check on everyone when they join but I don't speak about it unless I have to." Kurogiri answered calmly and Dabi gave him an odd look.

The bartender just looked away and Dabi sighed.

"That's not important now.... Anyway, he has to be there... Right? "

They looked in the direction of the mountains and they nodded before making their way to Deku.

Hours passed and it was evening when they finally reached the base of the mountain.

"There's more graves..." Mr Compress commented and they nodded.

"These graves seem new... The stones are really clean." Spinner added and the heroes didn't know how to feel.

After all, they were surrounded by all sides with graves and they could only see half the mountain.

"There!" Toga suddenly gasped as she pointed at Deku sitting at the top of the mountain, polishing the graves there.

It's eerily haunting aura had the heroes stop briefly but to the league, the sight was beautifully sad.

Deku, the boy with forest green hair and perhaps the most morally challenging life as he had to cannibalise to help others, was sat on the luscious green tree surrounded by the crimson red apples. The very apples that were the fruit of all his victim's lives.


Eri shrieked as the league made a sudden dash through Kurogiri's gate and came tumbling on top of he surprised green head.

Deku's eyes widened and was about to teleport away when he felt his eyes warm up as they all hugged him. His voice cracked again as he looked at the villain family he had until recently all dogpile him.


Was all he could mutter out and the others smiled.

"We have and always will be family!!!! I will go to other planets and back because I know you would do the same for me!!!" Toga yelled as she started to cry from relief and the others gave their own mini bouts of love as the heroes joined.

"I wished we were friends the whole time." Bakugou smiled and Deku gave him the most horrified look.

"Who are you? The Kacchan I know would've attempted to kill me for being stupid by now..."

Todoroki turned his head away to hide his laughter and Iida was struggling to not smile either.

Bakugou had his mouth open in surprise and his hair bristled upwards as the other members of the league laughed.

"I apologize for causing this in the first place..." Aizawa started and Deku shook his head, smiling through eyes that were glistening.

"Don't apologize, it's true I really wanted to be a true hero."

There was silence as Deku wiped his tears that threatened to fall and hugged the ones holding him.

"But I think I should put my family before anything and everything. They are my world."

Eri sighed in relief as she heard this and reached up to happily pluck an apple and gave Deku a puppy eyes plead.

The Monochrome boy looked at the apple, the fruit of an existence he felt was cursed, and didn't know what to do.

"What's wrong?" Tomura asked and Deku awkwardly smiled.

"Well... This tree... You know..."

He pointed at the graves before pointing at the apples and Eri tilted her head.

"Are these the other bodies from your space?"

Deku nodded sadly but Eri lit up before biting down on the apple and happily smiled.

"Then these apples are my favorite because they're made from the ones who gave me a family."

She looked at Deku with a wide grin.

"They were made from my hero."

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