Chapter 42

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"What are we going to do with her?"

She was originally going to be kidnapped because she was the linchpin of Overhaul's plan but she was just a victim and in the end, was saved without the need of her capture.

"I guess if we hand her to the heroes would be the best for her?" Dabi sighed as he didn't want to drag another person into the criminal life if he didn't have to.

Toga nodded, the sentiment was the same and the rest agreed.

"I'll be back then"

Deku then gave them a wave goodbye as he teleported to where the heroes were, startling them.

There were more in scene now as the standby team joined the attack team as medical professionals went around helping the injured.

Famililar faces were there and next thing Deku knew, he was surrounded by the heroes.

It wasn't surprising but what did confuse them was when Sir Nighteye and Erasure Head both told everyone to stand down.

Eri was set down and she nervously held onto Deku's "criminal" shirt as she looked around and Deku pointed at Mirio who was nearby.

"Go" he smiled and Eri gave him a scared look.

"He helped save you, I'm sure he won't mind if you go over to say thanks."

She lit up and immediately ran over before Deku stood up straight to confront the others.

"Hello..." he started nervously, before noticing Uraraka and Tsuyu in the crowd.

"I-I'm just here to return E-Eri" he stammered, a little nervous at the hostile stares from heroes he didn't recognize.

"So you're the demon child.." Aizawa muttered and Deku yelped in fear. The hero who had been called when his mother died was before him.

Aizawa wasn't convinced the boy before him was a villain, the fact he returned Eri only further proved that to him.

It wasn't that he was as strong as All Might, that claim was completely false. He was just really good at holding stalemate which was why he was strong. Individually he was weak in a fight but as a support, he was probably one of the best.

"Dude he was trying to be nice, jeez why are heroes just...?"

Deku turned to see Dabi stepping out of Kurogiri's warp gate along with the others as they stood around Deku protectively.

Sir Nighteye and Aizawa immediately sprang into action along with the others at the appearance of the elite force of the league and held their weapons out.


Eri ran from Mirio and stood in front of Deku, arms out as she glared at the heroes.

"You can't bully him! He helped me with my quirk!"

She then threw herself into Deku's arms, enjoying the warmth as the green head lifted her up and let her sit like a koala against his chest.

"Well.... Guess we'll come back when she's ready? Mr Compress could you..?"

Mr Compress nodded and pulled out a card, tossing it to Aizawa who caught it.

"Call me when you gather none hostile people please!

He waved and the heroes could do nothing as Izuku immediately teleported them away and back to base.

Aizawa looked at the card and it had a number, presumably the green head villain's number.

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