Chapter 11

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"It will be okay."

A few weeks later, they were quite comfortable living in the shadows and Toga had adapted to the street lifestyle.

Izuku had plenty of food with the busy population and Toga was a great help at capturing targets and knocking them out.

She had gotten use to having to deal with other low time criminals who tried to take their spot as well as having to sleep in high alert.


"Woah what?" Dabi asked in confusion. It was late afternoon and he had come back from the shops to get more food.

Deku shrugged and Toga jumped up. "I wanna see what's going on!" and just like that, she grabbed Deku's hand and they sped away at full speed towards the noise with Dabi casually jogging along.

A few streets down, they watched as a familiar person slammed a person who looked like a hero to the ground.

"Oh my gosh it's Stain!!!!" gasped Toga and Dabi slapped her mouth shut while Deku hugged her close so the fan girl wouldn't throw herself at the person she now considered her idol.

They watched as Stain pulled a knife out before licking the hero's blood off the blade and the struggling hero froze on the spot.

"you are not a true hero, you are a fake!" he muttered as he got the knife ready to kill.


Just before he could, a kid the same age as Deku with dark blue hair, according to Dabi, arrived and immediately attacked the hero killer.

"That's so cool!" whispered Toga as the three of them kept hiding in the shadows.

"That kid has a death wish." muttered Dabi as they watched him furiously yell about a brother of some sort and that he was there for revenge. He was really upset and because of that, he ended up being pushed to the ground with Stain holding a knife to his face.

The hero killer has sliced a little cut into the boy who was then paralyzed after he licked the blood.

So his quirk is some sort of paralysis.

He has to lick the blood first

Reminds me of Toga

So true

Honestly, he's going to die if he keeps up the revenge talk

He's going to die?

Uuuugggghhhhh you're going to help aren't you....

"He's going to die!!!" Deku whisper yelled and just before Deku could jump out, the three watched as another kid turned up. However, when they saw this new arrival, Dabi froze as he saw the two coloured hair and scar over the left eye.

Deku only knew the colors once Toga told him and he nodded as they watched him try and freeze the hero killer.

The change in Dabi didn't go unnoticed as the scarred boy fell completely silent as he focused on the fight. His eyes filled with worry as he saw the new boy get hit in the stomach and thrown to the wall.

I don't think Dabi wants to see the new boy hurt...

To be honest, I don't want to see anyone hurt...

You want to be a hero?

.... No. Now that I've killed, even if I still wanted to be a hero, I can't.

I see....

Doesn't mean I can't help!

Oh God.... Here we go again...

"Hey Toga?" Deku whispered so that Dabi couldn't hear.


"Whatever you do, make sure you and Dabi do not move okay?"


"I'll... give you anything you want if you do."

With an offer that tempting, Toga agreed before giving him a hug. "I want you to pet my head later. I want lots of cuddles!"


She then let go and Deku braced himself before jumping out of their hidden spot and raced forward.

"Don't hurt them!" he yelled as he used all his weight to land on the hero killer who jumped out the way.

They started to fight in a weird game of tag as they seemed to take turns to attack and dodge, either side unable to land a single hit.

Once he was use to the speed, he called over his shoulder at the kids who turned up.

"Are you guys ok?!"

He dodged yet another blade before aiming a kick at the killer's stomach who also dodged.

"I can't move!" Shouted the one in supposed blue hair and the hero that Stain was targeting said the same. "I can..." groaned the one Dabi was worried about and Deku tried to think quickly.

"Okay okay...."

He jumped backwards to dodge another knife before picking up one of the many trash bags that scattered the alley and flung it at Stain.

Immediately after, he jumped over to the others and picked up the wounded hero, before yelling at the one who could move.

"Hey ice boy! Get the fast one and get him out of here!!!" he jumped towards the end of the alley and dropped the injured guy by the sidewalk before spinning around to face Stain one on one.

The kids had joined with the injured hero and were calling out to other heros who were on patrol nearby.

"You... I recognize you...." muttered Stain as he set eyes on Deku and the boy felt a little joy for being remembered.

"Huh, well that's surprising since we only met once." he smiled before giving a polite bow.

"Yes... you were that kid tending to the girl the heroes injured... Was... She ok?"

Deku nodded before taking a fighting stance when he saw the knife was still out.

"She was fine."

"I see, are you a hero?"

I wish

"Nope!" he smiled as Stain ran forward and they started their attack and dodge game again.

"But that doesn't mean I can't help!!"


They exchanged a few more attacks when the sounds of heroes could be heard at the entrance of the alleyway.

The sound took Deku off guard and Stain shot forward to grab Deku's face.

"Good eyes..." he muttered before giving a smile.

"I'm glad people like you still exist."

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