Chapter 9 (edited)

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When I finally told Kayla about what had happened she flipped out and marched straight over to the boys' house, probably to murder Luke on the spot. Luckily they weren't there. I was able to calm her down but she was still pissed.

"I just can't believe he let that happen to you!" Kayla sighed.

"Kayla, he didn't. That's why he beat the guy shitless." She smiled reluctantly and gave me a bear hug.

"I'm sorry, I was so angry when you first told me I guess I forgot to listen to the part where he saved you. I'm just glad you are okay. But if anything like this happens again I will chop off his dick!" Knowing Kayla, that wasn't an empty threat.

"Ha okay." My phone buzzed signaling a text came through.

From Sexy Badass ;)
Hey cutie!

To Sexy Badass ;)
Really Luke?

From Sexy Badass ;)
What? What did I do?!

To Sexy Badass ;)
You changed your name on my phone! When did you even do that?!

From Sexy Badass ;)
You like 😏

To Sexy Badass ;)
Too bad you aren't a badass, I kind of have this thing for bad guys.

From Sexy Badass ;)
You like bad guys huh. Well let me tell you something, my bedtime is 10:00 but I go to bed at 10:02!

To Sexy Badass ;)

From Sexy Badass ;)
*shoulder shrug*

To Sexy Badass ;)

From Sexy Badass ;)
Only if you want to ;)

To Sexy Badass ;)
I was kidding you dork xD

"Eh hem! Best friend over here." Kayla waved her hand in front of my face.

"Sorry." I looked at my phone one last time before putting it away.

"So what are your plans for Christmas this year?" She changes topics so quickly sometimes it makes my head spin.

"Not quite sure. My parents are going out of town to visit family and I have to work so I can't go. Maybe stay home and have an American Horror Story Marathon." I shrugged and grabbed the nearest pillow hugging it to my body.

"I'd invite you over but we are having a bunch of my mom's business people over. Speak of the devil, I have to go home. By love!" She briefly flashed her phone in my direction, showing her mom was calling before bolting out of the door.

To Sexy Badass ;)
You home?

From Sexy Badass ;)
Yah but I'm getting ready for a party

To Sexy Badass ;)

From Sexy Badass ;)
Wanna come with? There is always room. Plus it wouldn't be any fun without you. God, please say yes?

To Sexy Badass ;)
And if I say no?

I went into my closet to get some clothes for this party. I pulled out light wash ripped jeans, a black and white Blink 182 shirt, and my black Vans. I hadn't gotten a response from Luke so I walked out of the door with my arms full. A pair of arms snaked around my waist and I dropped my clothes onto the floor.

"Considered yourself kidnapped." The sexiest Australian accent graced my ears. I could feel Luke's smirk against my cheek.

"You are ridiculous, how did you even get in? Never mind, Kayla. Let me get ready, hold on."

Luke kissed my nose and then plopped onto my bed. I spun my finger in the air signaling for him to turn around. He laughed at me but still turned around. I too turned around and changed into my pants. I had just taken my shirt off when I heard Luke slightly gasp.

"Pervert!" I bravely said. But he couldn't see me blushing harder than I think I ever have.

"You're are just so god damn beautiful." His voice was low, almost growling.

For the second time today, he wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder. He moved slightly and began kissing my neck slowly. I tilted my head to give him better access and placed one hand behind his head to hold him in that position. I turned around and met his face. His arms were still around me as he pulled me closer. Even without my shirt on he only looked at my face. His gaze didn't falter the least bit.

He leaned in and pressed his lips softly against mine. The kiss was slow and gentle as if he was still afraid to hurt me. I deepened the kiss by pulling his face closer to mine. He still didn't pick up on the fact that I wanted him to be rougher so I decided to be a little more direct.

"I won't break," I mumbled against his lips.

That's all it took, three little words. Luke finally let go. He turned us around and pushed me onto the bed. He hovered over me, his eyes a few shades darker. He immediately reattached our lips and ground his hips into mine. My hands grabbed his hair and pulled slightly. One of his hands found mine, intertwining our fingers and he held them over my head. The other was holding my waist. He lightly trailed his fingers across my stomach before pressing his chest against mine. He found all of my sweet spots and teased each and every one of them.

My hand slid down his back and to his stomach, finally to the front of his pants. Luke quickly grabbed my wrist, pulling it away.

"Not tonight. Come on finish getting ready we have a party to get to."


Whoooo party chapter next! As you all know that means drama!

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