BONUS- The Buddy System Memes

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Because I didn't post a chapter this week, I made these memes instead for each of the main four characters. I did this all on my own so I guess I have the copy right but if you want to use them for something (I doubt that you would but still), I don't really care.


Isadora Quagmire the Common Place Notebook

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Isadora Quagmire the Common Place Notebook

Isadora Quagmire the Common Place Notebook

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Klaus Baudelaire the 508 Dollar Bill

Klaus Baudelaire the 508 Dollar Bill

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Violet Baudelaire the beignets

Violet Baudelaire the beignets

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Duncan Quagmire the Gummy Worm

This is my first time editing this way so it's not perfect, but you should get the point.

App: Superimpose

The Buddy System (Kladora & Dunclet/ASOUE)Where stories live. Discover now