17- Rolling Fork, MS

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Sorry for the long wait guys! I'm afraid I may be delaying updates a bit more because of how busy I am, but I'll update as soon as I can

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Sorry for the long wait guys! I'm afraid I may be delaying updates a bit more because of how busy I am, but I'll update as soon as I can. I love you all so much ❤️. I'm putting this at the beginning of the chapter because I'll have a special guest doing the A/N this week.
Duncan POV

"We have names you know." The lady on the right said.

"Well, we never knew them." Klaus responded.

"I'm Jacquline." The lady on the right said.

"And I'm Joyce." The lady on the left said.

"Are you twins?" I asked them.

"No." Joyce said.

"We're triplets!" Jacqueline ended.

"Us too!" Isadora chimed in. "Not with Violet or Klaus but my brother and I."

Luckily, with having a similarity with the white face women (both being thought of as twins instead of triplets), we didn't have to ask that 'I thought triplets were with three people?' question.

"Sorry to interrupt, but we're here to ask you a question." Klaus said.

"Of course." Jacqueline said.

"What is it?" Joyce asked.

"Would you happen to have space where you guys live? We're looking for a place to stay." Isadora said.

"Hey! I was going to ask that." Klaus pouted.

"You snooze, you lose, buckaroo!" Isadora joked.

"Buckaroo!" Klaus exclaimed. "Why'd you call me that?"

"Oh sorry, are you mad I know a word that you don't?"

From this point on I zoned out of that conversation since it obviously was not going to go well from there. And why do two of us in our group always have to be fighting?

"We think you'll enjoy our home, and yes you four can stay with us for as long as you need." Joyce said.

"Our home is very dear in our hearts." Jacqueline continued.

"It's very close to our Town Museum. It's across the grassy area from where we are standing!" Joyce explained.

"You're wrong, smoke is translucent." I heard Klaus say.

"Translucent isn't a color!" Isadora squealed.

How did their conversation get to that so quickly?

The white faced women- I mean Jacqueline and Joyce-held the doors open for us. When everyone had walked out, the sisters began to uselessly debate as well.

"After you."

"No, after you!"

"I'm serious, you go first."

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