Chapter four

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I ended up talking with Alicia the entire period, she wanted to scold me a bit I could tell but she resisted since I could tell she enjoyed my company too and she needed the help that I provided so she simply said she'll notify my teacher that I was with her and not ditching.

We talked for so long that we had to cut it when the bell rang interrupting us both, I had science now so I bid my goodbye and said I'll check-up with her on my free period or tomorrow.

Alicia's POV

After Aylin left the classroom felt empty and quiet again, I can tell I'm already a bit too fond of her. She had humor and was really cute, she had light wavey hair that looked like a waterfall of melted chocolate, she had round brown eyes hat made her look so innocent, her pink soft lips looked so cute when she pouted at me, I think imma be bothering her more than she's gonna bother me. Sadly she isn't my student.

After I finished most of the decorating I decided to sit and start up the computer and do some planning.

After two more periods went by it was lunchtime now, I headed towards the teachers' lounge and started greeting some of the teachers there, they were mostly old people, boring dry-humored people. They look boring as fuck not gonna lie, that was until I laid eyes on another teacher that looked pretty young, she was getting some donuts someone brought and barely talking to anyone else in the room. She didn't have the friendliest aura but I braced myself and walked towards her.

Each step I took I found her more attractive, her blonde hair that shined under the light, the red lips that screamed for attention, the ocean blue eyes that looked so dull like the deepest part of the sea.

"Hey, I'm Alicia the new junior science teacher," I said and offered her my hand. She looked surprised I'm guessing she isn't expecting anyone to approach her right now. "Umm, hey, I can't really shake your hand right now cause," she gestured. Her left hand was covered in icing from the glazed doughnuts, and the other hand was holding two doughnuts.

"Oh right of course," I said laughing a bit awkwardly, "but regardless my name's Jessica I teacher senior ELA," 'that's cool, um I was wondering if you could maybe want to hang out for a bit?" I said A bit awkwardly "are you?" "Oh no, well yeah, no but yeah. Well, you looked the youngest among all these people and I thought maybe you could give me some guidance with how things work here," as I fumbled from my words I saw a smirk form on her lips. " I get what you mean, but I have a little girl that has lunch detention with me now, I have to get back of she'll be waiting at my door like a lost kitten again,"

'Again? That girl must be getting in trouble quite a lot' snapping out of my thoughts I saw that Jessica's already walked near the door, I power walked over to her "um, ill walk you to your class, and maybe we could talk for a bit?" I questioned, she nodded and we started heading towards her class.

We talked about random things like how long have I been a teacher and how long she's been teaching, we exchanged numbers and made plans to hang out that weekend cause she also wanted to make a teacher friend whose around the same age as her. When we turned towards the halls to her class she suddenly stopped and I bumped into her. She made a shush signal and gestured towards her door. I saw someone leaning against her door than getting up to peeking through the little glass portion of the door, and then sitting down again and repeating for a while, that was kinda adorable. I looked at Jessica and she also had an adoring expression on her face.

As we started walking towards the figure she spoke "taking on peeping now little girl?" She said in an amused tone. The figure turned towards us and had a little whining in her tone "you always put me in detention but is never here until so much longer," I recognized her voice, it was Aylin, she really is a troublemaker and it seems that she hasn't realized I was with her teacher either.

"Well I was getting you something," Jessica said a put a doughnut on Aylin's lips shushing her, " unlock the door," Jessica said to Aylin and Aylin happily obeyed now that she was munching on the doughnut.

Suddenly aylin stopped and looked at the doughnut suspiciously, "why'd you get me this? I thought you didn't like me huh?" Aylin said with a hint of teasing in her voice, "well we made a truce and if I'm going to see you for so many hours a day might as well bribe you into liking me and then there'd be no more problems," Jessica said half serious half sarcastically.

"HEY! That's mean I'm not easily bribed... well... food is different alright!" Aylin whined a bit, she was unsurprisingly adorable.

When they walked inside Aylin finally noticed me when there wasn't a click from the automated locking sound on the door.

"Oh, hey Alicia, I didn't see you there," Aylin said when she took a seat near Jessica, "well took you long enough kid," I said and pinched her nose gently when I got to her table.

"You two know each other?" Jessica questioned, I mean of course she would I don't even teach this grade nor has started teaching yet. "Yeah I helped her this morning after your class-" "which caused you to missed you the second period," Jessica sighed and finished Aylin's sentence. "How'd you-" "your teachers tell me everything, cause they're too lazy to discipline you themselves," Jessica said and rolled her eyes, Aylin just shrugged and said she was only doing a good thing, Jessica told her to be quiet now detention has started and they could talk later.

Aylin looked so bored now she couldn't talk and was now sucking on her finger that was covered in icing. I bid my goodbye to Jessica and told Aylin to stay out of trouble. Aylin mouthed 'Maybe' making me roll my eyes and Jessica smiled and said we could talk later. Aylin just keeps getting cuter, I swear. And Jessica isn't as intimidating as she looks, but she gets more attractive the more I look at her


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