chapter one: laтe

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chapter one——
annie's pov: i woke up to alarm blaring at six am.
we don't have to be at school until eight; but i prefer to be there early.
punctuality is extremely important, my parents always told me.
"early is on time, on time is late, and late is unprofessional"
i didn't know what it meant for a while, but now i do.
growing up so strict sometimes starts to become a little harsh.
because i want to have fun and be a teenager; but i'm constantly reminded that i'm in a perfect place right now.
i'm doing so well for myself.
i'm ranked number fourteen out of my class of six hundred and twelve.
i run a local community service to aid our environment and neighborhood.
and i do leadership.
everyone looks up to me; so everything i do has to be perfect.
i put on my music and proceeded to get ready for my day.
after throwing on ripped jeans and a white flowery top
i walk down stairs and see hayley eating her pancakes.
i rush her to the car so we can head on our way to school.
as we walk through the door she heads towards the freshman wing and i head towards the main building.
h$: bye anns.
a: bye bug.
we're opposites; but not to opposite.
like we do different things, but have the same goals.
just a different way of approaching them.
my parents aren't as strict on her.
ever since my brother passed away everything was hammered into me like a nail.
everything from that point on was a plan for the future.
if it didn't help my future it was a waste of time
"miss leblanc"
my principal calls from down the hall.
a: good morning
i say with a smile across my face.
"good morning, i was hoping i'd find you here."
a: you know me; bright and early.
"i love to see the initiative; i was curious to know if you'd lead the community clean up and activities"
a: i do it every year.
i say confused.
"i know just thought i'd make sure, before writing you down"
a: well i'd love to.
"great, have a good morning miss leblanc"
a: you too
i say as he walks away
the community clean up is probably one of the most fun things to do.
we go from districts to districts to cleanup up,  but you're with your friends and at the end there is this huge paint war.
it's so much fun and i'm thankful i've been able to lead it for the past few years.
it's definitely the highlight of my year.
after chatting with my friends for a while the first period bell rings.
i have statistics
i sit down in my seat that is front and center.
my teacher wasn't in her classroom; even past second bell.
we all sat there in confusion wondering where she was and what the hold up was.
a few minutes after she came through the door
t: right this way
she said
and a figure emerged from the doorway.
t: next to miss leblanc.
j: hey
he says greeting me while sitting down.
a: hi
i say with a semi smile.
johnny orlando the most annoying person to exist.
he is such a troublemaker and makes a mess of everything.
sitting next to him will pretty much be hell or pretty darn close to it.

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