Diagon Alley

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(11 years later)

Nova's POV

I smiled as my eyes opened. I glanced around my room at Malfoy Manor before realization dawned on me. This was my last week of being here because next week I was going to be at Hogwarts. I threw the covers off of me and quickly got ready for the day. I walked into the ensuite bathroom that separated mine and Anna's bedroom. I knocked twice on the door to let her know I was in the bathroom before I took a quick shower.  I grabbed my red and green bathrobe and wrapped it around me before I knocked on the door three times to let her know the bathroom was open. I walked back into my room and started looking for an outfit.  I finally settled on a cream colored sweater and a pair of turquoise jeans. I walked over to the wide array of shoes that I had in the manor and decided on the cream colored high heels before I walked back into the bathroom. I shared a smile with Anna -who was in the process of doing her hair with the help of one of the house-elves- before I brushed my teeth and then brushed out my black hair. I pulled my hair up into an elegant bun.

"You ready to go to Diagon Alley, girls?" I heard the voice of Narcissa Malfoy say from her daughter's room.

"I'm beyond ready, Aunt Cissa. I can't wait to see dad again." I said as she joined us in the bathroom. She smiled at me and did a neutral eye look for both Anna and I as neither of us trusted the house-elf to do it for us.  After she was done with me I walked back into my room and grabbed my bow earrings that had been a gift from my dad. I slipped them into my ears and grabbed my matching infinity necklace and bracelet that said 'love'. I smiled as I walked out of my bedroom and down the hallway. I made my way downstairs and headed into the dining room.

"Morning, Uncle Lu." I said greeting eldest Malfoy.

"Good morning Nova. Are the other 2 still getting ready?" Lucius asked me.

"Anna was almost done. I don't know about Draco." I tell him.

"Morning dad." Anna said as she walked into the room. "Mom's checking to see if Draco is awake."

(Anna and Nova's outfits)

(Anna and Nova's outfits)

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"He won't budge." Narcissa said as she walked into the room. Anna and I shared a look before we excused ourselves and made our way back upstairs. I took off my shoes and left them outside the door before I opened it and walked in. Anna and I both walked over to the bed and walked on either side before I held up my hand and counted down from 3. Together the two of us screamed at the top of our lungs before I busted out laughing as Draco jumped up scared.

"Bloody hell. Was that really necessary?" Draco asked.

"Yes it was." Anna said as I calmed down.

"Cissa had already been in here to try and get you up." I tell him as Anna pushes him off of the bed.

"Ow." Draco muttered.

"Now get up and get dressed. We get to go to Diagon Alley." Anna and I both said the boy. We both walked out of the room and I put my shoes back on before I joined Anna downstairs.

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