Summer Fun

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Nova's POV

I would say that the summer before third year was uneventful but that would be a lie. The second Cissa and I apparated into the Manor, Draco was instantly by my side. He spent the entire week I was there, beside me attempting to make up for being an arse and letting Pugface ruin the years of friendship we had between us. The only time he wasn't beside me was when Theo and Blaise begged him to play Quidditch when they came over for a few days. He had looked reluctant but luckily Anna was the one to threaten him that if we didn't have girl time before I left for my dad's she would punch him.

It was a relief to get away from the Manor for the rest of the month. I helped my Dad brew Potions, did the homework that was assigned, and managed to redecorate my room since I hadn't really done anything to it in the last few years since I had started at Hogwarts. Dad even signed my Hogsmeade slip the second we were back at the house so I could put it with the rest of my stuff. As an early birthday present he used a spell and expanded my room and added an ensuite bathroom to it.

I ended up returning to Malfoy Manor the day of my birthday and that's when the twins and I were told about Sirius Black escaping from Azkaban

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I ended up returning to Malfoy Manor the day of my birthday and that's when the twins and I were told about Sirius Black escaping from Azkaban. I rolled my eyes when Lucius told us he was once a part of Voldemort's inner circle before his words had registered in my mind and I quickly had to excuse myself.

I had managed to put the events from the Chamber behind me since I was at home. Although I would wake up screaming at night from the constant nightmare of watching my dad die in front of me with Voldemort looking at me and smiling. I may have put the Chamber behind me but I still couldn't forget the threat and every time I would wake up, Dad would be right there reminding me that he would be around for a long time. As soon as Lucius had even mentioned Voldemort the memories had come rushing back. Lockhart trying to obliviate our memories, Harry fighting the Basilisk, Ginny Weasley laying on the cold floor -slowly dying so Voldemort would come back, and finally Tom Riddle and his thre--- promise. I couldn't bring myself to think of it as a threat anymore because I knew somehow, someway that it was a promise he would follow through with.

Since the party was starting closer to nightfall, I ended up taking a nap only to wake up an hour later from another nightmare and a loud knock at my door. I got up off the couch and walked to the door. I wasn't expecting to see both the twins standing on the other side of my door both with panicked expressions. I could hear the running footsteps of our parents.

"You were screaming." Anna stated.

"Nightmare." I said as I looked at my dad. He sighed. "It's fine, It was just a nightmare." I reassured all of them before I grabbed Anna's hand and pulled her into my room. I sent my dad a small smile to let him know I'd be okay and would see him in a bit after I got ready for the party before the door shut behind Anna and I completely.

Snape's POV

I sighed as Lucius, Narcissa, and I walked back into the lounge room we were in before hearing Nova's screams.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2023 ⏰

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