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Nova's POV

My first month at Hogwarts had come and gone. I had started dreading Quirrell's class. Surprisingly enough I had rarely heard the voice since that day but I still didn't drop my guard. I smiled as I sat in between the twins in Charms. Today we were actually gonna cast the levitation spell. Anna seemed pretty excited seeing as Charms was one of the classes she excelled at other than Potions. We were talking quietly until Flitwick started class. We practiced the wand movement before we recited the spell. I looked across the room when Flitwick congratulated Granger on getting her feather to float. I shared a knowing look with Anna before we both cast the spell on our own feather.

"Well done Ms. Snape and Ms. Malfoy." Flitwick said. "10 points each to Slytherin."

I helped Draco with the wand movement as he was starting to get annoyed. The two of us shared a smile as he finally got it right.

After class my group was walking a little ways in front of Harry and Ron who was currently complaining about Hermione.

"It's Leviosa not Leviosar." Ron said, getting a laugh from the boy who blew up his feather. "She's a nightmare honestly. It's no wonder she hasn't got any friends."

I heard Harry say something to Ron as Hermione pushed past my group of friends with tears already streaming down her face.

"We'll be back." Anna said as she grabbed my arm and pulled me in the direction that the bushy haired girl went in. Anna walked into the bathroom while I went to drop off our bags in the dorms before I returned to the bathroom.

"Granger?" I questioned. I heard a sob from one of the stalls. "Bloody idiots." I muttered as I knocked on the stall door.

"Go away." Granger said. I shrugged and was about to walk out until I caught Anna's death stare. I sighed and remained in my spot.

"They're idiots Hermione. They hate that you're smarter than them." Anna said. "I'm the same way when it comes to things my brother or Nova is better at."

I heard the lock click as she walked out. "Really?" She asked looking at the silver haired girl. Anna nodded. "You don't seem to be anything like Malfoy. No offense."

"There's a lot of pressure on us. On all Pureblood kids." Anna told the girl. "Nova feels it too sometimes."

The bushy haired girl looked at me waiting for confirmation. I nodded. "I live with the Malfoy's most of the time. Especially before I came to Hogwarts." I told her. "If neither of the boys can see how good it would be to have you as a friend then forget them. You just got two Slytherins as your friends."

"Except no one can know." Anna said. "My parents don't exactly like muggleborns. They'd disown me if they ever found out."

"I can understand that." Hermione said. We all cracked a smile when we heard the bathroom doors open. I mentally cursed myself for not keeping my wand in my robe when I took mine and Anna's bag back to the Slytherin dorms when I saw the troll. I shared a look with Anna and noticed the same look on her face that was most likely on mine. Neither of us had our wands.

The three of us slowly backed up into the stalls as the troll stepped forward before we each ran into a stall.

"Duck!" I yelled out as I heard the club swing forward.

We all screamed as the club smashed into the stalls before I heard the door open again. I pushed the rubble off of me as I heard my half brother shout at us to move. The three of us moved toward the sinks but stopped as the troll swung his club at the rest of the stalls.

"Hey, pea brain!" I heard one of the boys shout. The girls and I quickly moved toward the sinks and hid under them. Again we screamed and each moved up a sink as he brought his club down again.

"Would the two of you do something instead of just stand there like a bunch of idiots." I yelled at the two boys. Luckily that seemed to knock them out of their trance as Harry pulled out his wand and ran toward the troll. I didn't bother watching, only interested in getting out of the bathroom. I pulled Anna up with me as I saw Ron pull out his wand. I vaguely heard Hermione tell him swish and flick before Anna and I both ran out of the bathroom. I pulled the Malfoy girl down a corridor when I heard the rushed footsteps and voices of McGonagall and my dad. Once they ran past us -I noticed my dad was bleeding and limping- I quickly pulled Anna back out of the corridor and all the way down to the dungeon. We split up with her going back to the common room and myself going to my dad's classroom to wait on him. I looked around the room and gathered the ingredients I needed for a blood replenishing potion.

I smiled when I got the desired color it needed to be before grabbing a couple of vials. I quickly placed a little bit of the potion into each vial and once again waited on my father after I cleaned up and placed the unused ingredients back in their proper place.

"Nova?" Dad asked when he saw me waiting for him. He walked forward and looked down at the vial I had pushed toward him.

"Anna and I were in the bathroom with Granger when the troll came in. When the Gryffindor's were distracted Anna and I got out of there and I saw you bleeding and limping on when you ran past us." I told him. He opened the vial and sniffed it. "Blood-replenishing potion dad." I added with a laugh.

"You brewed it without any help?" He questioned after he took it.

"I was taught by the best. Besides it was one of the few I had committed to memory." I told him. I smiled when I noticed how proud he was of me. "Now are you going to tell me what happened for you to be bleeding and limping?" I asked.

"No." He said simply. "Now come on." Dad said as he led me out of the room and once again stopped in front of the Slytherin common room. "No more being in places you shouldn't be in, Little Phoenix." He added before pulling me into a hug.

I hugged him back and whispered the password before walking in.

"Where in the bloody hell were you?" Draco asked when he finally saw me.

"Ummm.... I was in the potions classroom. I wanted to talk to my dad but he was in and out of meetings all day so I stayed in there and did homework until he finally came back." I said the first lie that popped into my head. He seemed to believe me because he nodded and went back to what he was doing. I went up to the dorm and saw Anna sitting on her bed doing homework. Anna looked up when I shut the door.

"Did your dad say anything?" She asked me, referring to what we saw. I sighed.

"No, he wouldn't tell me anything." I told her and she nodded.

"That sucks. Well I'm gonna go to bed. My homework is finished, you are welcome to look at it if you need to. Goodnight, Nova." She says after she puts her things back in her bag and lays down and pulls the curtains around the four poster bed.

"Ok and goodnight." I tell her and I hear her steady breathing letting me know she fell asleep. I sighed and walked over to my dresser and pulled out a fresh set of pajamas before I headed into the bathroom and took a shower. I quickly jumped out when I realized the water had turned cold and got dressed before I walked back out into the dorm and tossed my clothes into the hamper. I climbed into bed after turning off the light and pulled the curtains around my bed to block out the morning sun.

Luckily for me the first of November was the start of the weekend, so I didn't need to wear my school robes. I got up and got dressed in a deep green long sleeve shirt and a grey skirt. I grabbed the fur lined coat that Cissa had gotten me the previous Christmas and shrugged it on. I slipped on a pair of grey boots after I added a pair of leggings underneath the skirt. I grabbed my Slytherin scarf and finally left the dorm after I brushed both my teeth and hair. I joined Anna who was sitting on the couch in the common room. I nearly laughed as she muttered under her breath as she wrote a letter to her parents. She ignored me and finally folded the letter up. I followed after her as she headed for the Owlery. I was unsurprised when Draco joined us halfway there. I laughed as their owl ignored them for a moment before the white and grey owl flew down and landed on my shoulder. I looked at the bird before looking at the twins. Thankfully Dawn finally flew over to Draco. Both of them quickly tired their letters to the owl's leg before it flew off in the direction of Malfoy Manor. After the twins sent their letters off we made our way down to the courtyard and met up with Blaise and Theo. We spent the day talking and doing our own things for a while. Eventually I left the group and made my way back to the dungeons and to the Potions classroom to help my dad brew a few potions for his O.W.L students on Monday.

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