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Nova's POV

I woke up the next morning and quickly got ready before I woke up Anna who was still sound asleep.

"Come on Anna." I whispered while poking her repeatedly. I had learned from experience shaking her never woke her so I had to get creative.

"Alright alright. I'm up." She yawned as she sat up. "What time is it?" She asked.

"You've got 2 hours before classes but I figured I'd better wake you so you could get ready and then we could attempt to beat the boys to the Great Hall, especially Crabbe and Goyle." I told her. She quickly got up and got dressed. I walked into the bathroom and brushed out my now wavy hair before I pulled it up into a high ponytail.

"Come on. Let's go." Anna said.

We both left the dorm and common room only stopping when we saw Blaise and Theo ahead of us on the way to the Great Hall.

"I think you two might have to wake up Draco." Blaise muttered. "I swear that boy can sleep like the living dead."

"You do know how we wake him right?" I asked.

"No?" He said, it was more of a question.

"We scream at the top of our lungs until it wakes him up. The look on his face is worth it every time." I say to the boy while Anna is quietly talking to Theo. "If he isn't in the Great Hall by the time the mail gets here then I'll go wake him up."

We walk into the Great Hall and go sit at the Slytherin table.

"Look at that, the head of the house's daughter is already making boys fall for her." I heard the annoying voice of Pansy Parkinson say as I finished eating. "Or is it Malfoy since you barely see your dad?"

"Keep on Pug." Anna glared at the girl. I looked up at her and glared at her myself.

"You know Pansy, I feel sorry for you." I say causing both boys to stop eating and look at me curiously. "You have to use fear to make others listen to you whereas I'm nice."

"You just think you're better than everyone else, Snape, because your dad is our head of house. It's no wonder you don't have a mother." Pansy said spitefully. "Who'd want to deal with a spoiled brat like you?" I got up with the grace and poise that even both the twins had and looked at Pansy. I smirked when I caught sight of her scared look. "What're you gonna do?" She asked. I chose to ignore her, grabbed a plate of toast for Draco and walked out of the Great Hall and back down to the dorms. I made my way into Draco's room and jumped up on the bed.

"Wake up!" I yelled at the boy and plopped down on his bed. He jumped up and looked around confused.

"Nix?" He asked, still half asleep.

"Get up and get dressed." I told him. He grabbed a set of robes and walked into the bathroom to change while I stayed on his bed. I stole a piece of his toast that I had brought for him before he took the plate from my hands after he walked out of the bathroom.

"What's wrong?" He asked as we walked out of the common room after I ran upstairs to get both mine and Anna's bag.

"Nothing." I said quietly. He grabbed my arm and stopped me.

"Come on, Nix, talk to me." He whispered. I sighed and told him what happened at breakfast. "I'll hex her next time she does it." He said after I finished telling him.

"No. I'll deal with it myself." I tell him as we walk into the Transfiguration classroom. I took a seat next to Anna and handed over her bag.

"Thanks." She whispered before sticking her tongue out at her twin who was now seated next to Theo on the other side of me.

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