DADA Class Sucks and so does Draco

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Nova's POV

I was sitting next to Blaise in our first DADA class of the year waiting on the newest professor to show up. Finally the door opened above us and out stepped Gilderoy Lockhart. I rolled my eyes at the wizard who probably couldn't even perform a proper spell but nevertheless listened as he spoke.

"Let me introduce you to your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher... me. Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of Merlin, Third Class, Honorary member of the Dark Force Defense League and five times winner of Witch Weekly's Most Charming Smile Award." Lockhart said as he walked downstairs.

"I think I'm going to barf." I mutter to Blaise who stifles a laugh. I catch Pansy looking at me and send her a glare. I smirked as she shrunk away and used Draco as a shield. I rolled my eyes once more before tuning back into the lesson.

"Now be warned it is my job to arm you against the foulest creatures known to wizardkind. You may find yourselves facing your worst fears in this room, know only that no harm can befall you whilst I'm here." Lockhart explained as he raised his hand to the covered cage. "I must ask you not to scream, it might provoke them." He added as he lifted the cloth that covered the cage.

Inside were little blue Cornish Pixies.

"Cornish Pixies?" One of the Gryffindor's said.

"Freshly caught Cornish Pixies." Lockhart said, as the boy laughed. "Laugh if you will, Mr. Finnegan, but pixies can be devilishly tricky little blighters. Let's see what you make of them." He added before he unlocked the cage and the pixies flew out. Everyone jumped up out of their seats and ducked for cover as the pixies began to throw things.

"Come on now, round them up. They're only Pixies." Lockhart said. I looked at him from under the table and glared at him before I grabbed my wand.

"It is the first day of class and you automatically assume we know a spell or something to round up pixies." I seethed at the blonde haired man. "I don't even see how you got this job when you're nothing but a liar." I added as he looked shocked as the pixies picked up Longbottom by his ears.

"Peskipiksi Pesternomi." Lockhart said, waving his wand. I rolled my eyes as the man proved me right since that wasn't even a spell.

"Immobulus!" Hermione and I shouted at the same time causing all the pixies to slow down after Lockhart ran back into his private room.

"What an idiot." I mutter. "I'll leave you three to get them back up." I added to the Golden Trio before I turned to Neville. "Wingardium Leviosa." I muttered the incantation and helped the boy down. I quickly left the room afterwards and joined Anna and Theo who were waiting for me outside the class. We made our way down to potions where I quickly told my dad what held us up.

"20 points to Slytherin." Dad said causing me to smile until Pansy caused it to fade.

"You can't do that Professor!" The Pug face screeched. "It didn't happen in your class, it happened in Lockhart's." Pansy added with a dreamy sigh.

"He made up a spell that had no effect on the pixies, Pug. And then he ran into his private room and hid like a fucking coward." I said glaring at the girl.

"Whatever Snape. Why don't you do everyone some good and join your unloving mother." She said. I smirked as my dad turned to face the girl.

"Detention Parkinson tonight after dinner and the rest of the month as well as the weekends included." Dad said, causing the girl to glare at me. "Anyone can give house points or take them if they are a professor, even if it didn't happen in that professor's class." Dad added.

I didn't let what she said about my mum bother me as I messed with the necklace dad had given me on my birthday. I knew my mom loved me and she did what she thought was best by leaving me with dad before the Dark Lord had killed her. I could see it in Dad's eye as well as the memories washed over him.

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