The Christmas Ball

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Nova's POV

I smiled to myself as I stepped onto the Hogwarts express. It was finally Christmas break and the twins and I were returning to Malfoy Manor for the annual Christmas Ball.

"I'm gonna go sit with Harry." I whispered to Anna. "I'll join you guys once someone kicks the pug out." I added as I walked away. I walked through the train and smiled as I found Harry in a compartment with Hermione and the Weasel.

"Hey, Harry." I said as I opened the door. I sat down next to Mione as I pulled out Harry's gift. "Snow's staying at Hogwarts with my dad and I'll be busy with the Christmas ball to think about sending it." I said as I handed him the gift that was wrapped in red wrapping paper.

"I'll open it Christmas morning." Harry said. "I'll also send you yours too. I'm sure Mrs. Weasley will have a gift for you as well."

I smiled. Over the past few months since the day Harry found out he was my brother I spent as much time with him as possible, and that included going as far as sitting with him at the Gryffindor table at dinner. He had also told me all about my muggle aunt on mom's side as well as our cousin. I told him the few things I could about my childhood and what it was like growing up with the Malfoys.

When we were halfway back to Kings Cross, I said my goodbyes to the three before I finally made my way down to the Slytherin compartments.

"Finally. I thought the boys would have to come and get you." Anna said when I opened the door. "Do you have a date for the ball this year?" Anna added.

"I told her I'd go with her." Blaise said as I sat down. "We can't let our own Slytherin Princess show up to a party without someone charming on her arm."

I laughed. "I asked him a week ago." I said as the door opened again.

"But Dracie Poo I don't want to sit with them." Pug face whined as Draco sat down across from Blaise and I.

"Then go back and sit with your friends and gossip. I could care less what you do, Parkinson." Draco said with a sigh.

I shared a look with Anna who looked just as confused as I did. I shrugged it off as Pansy stomped her foot.

"I'll still see you at the ball Dracie." Pansy said before she kissed his cheek, glared at me, and finally stalked off. I rolled my eyes at the girls antics.

"What color dress are you wearing?" Blaise asked me.

"Red or green. I haven't decided yet." I told him.

"Why red?" He asked. I looked around and sighed.

"My mom was a Gryffindor when she went to school. Plus I've always worn green to the past few balls. It'd be a nice change." I said while playing with the necklace that I rarely took off nowadays. I could feel Draco's eyes on me but chose to ignore him.

He had tried for the past few weeks to talk to me but every time I was saved from answering him by Harry. Luckily the blonde didn't say anything or if he did I didn't hear it as I was lost in my thoughts.

~~~~Time Skip December 24th~~~~

I was busy dancing around my room in the manor to notice that Dobby had apparated into my room. It was the day of the Malfoy Christmas ball. My hair was already done thanks to Cissa. I wanted to wait till the last possible minute to get into my red dress and heels. I didn't even realize that Anna was standing in the doorway of our shared bathroom watching me either along with Cissa. I had the radio blasting music that no one outside of my room and Anna's could hear, which helped since I knew Parkinson -who had shown up last night during dinner causing me to retreat back up to my room without even touching my dessert- was somewhere else in the house getting ready.

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