The Sorting

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Nova's POV

The last week at Malfoy Manor had been pretty boring. Draco was busy with Blaise and Theo playing Quidditch. Luckily the Malfoys had charmed the backyard to always feel more like summer so Anna and I could be in the pool since we never cared much for Quidditch.

I woke up early on September 1st and quickly got ready. I got dressed in a white tank top and threw a blue and white long sleeve sweater over top of it. I paired it off with a pair of white jeans and some tan Ugg's. I walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and hair -which I threw up in a messy bun. Since I had spent the past week doing my makeup by myself for once I quickly did a neutral eye look before I smiled and walked back into my room and threw the last few things into my trunk. I also packed up Patch's things into a bag with an undetectable extension charm -a gift from Cissa- and put it in my trunk. I picked Patch up off my bed and placed her in the cat carrier, shutting the door behind her.

"Dobby!" I yelled for the house-elf I liked.

"Yes, Mistress Snape." He asked when he apparated in my room.

"Can you take my trunk downstairs? I'll worry about the carrier." I told the elf.

"Of course." He walked over and placed a hand on my trunk before I heard the pop of his disapparation. I picked up the cat carrier and walked out of my room shutting the door behind me. I was about to walk downstairs when I heard Anna and Draco both shut their doors. The three of us walked down together. We quickly ate breakfast before Cissa and Lucius finally took our hands and disapparated. When I opened my eyes again I saw the scarlett train that would take us to Hogwarts. I shared a look with the Malfoy twins and was about to slip away when Cissa stopped me.

"Nova, wait." I looked toward the woman who had practically raised me with my dad. She pulled me away from the family and stopped a little ways away. "This was supposed to be your mothers. I may have not been very good friends with her but your father was." She said as she handed me a bracelet. It was a gold bracelet with red rubies on it and had the characteristics of a Gryffindor. "Your father was right in his letter. It won't matter to us if you are a Gryffindor or a Slytherin. You'll still be family." She added as I put it on my wrist. I pulled my sleeve up over it to hide as I still hadn't told Draco or Anna yet who my mother was or that she was a Gryffindor.

We rejoined the others and both Malfoy parents bid us all goodbye

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We rejoined the others and both Malfoy parents bid us all goodbye. We quickly ran onto the train just as the Weasley clan started coming through the barrier. I stopped halfway onto the train when I caught a glimpse of my brother who looked lost. I rolled my eyes and tightened my grip on Patch's carrier before I rushed into the compartment that Anna was standing outside of.

"I'm going to go find Blaise and Theo." Draco said. I nodded before I sat down and pulled out a book.

"I bet you're going to be the best at Potions." Anna said once she saw the title of the book.

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