Chapter 2- Why she wont accept me?

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Previously on A Lesbian Secret the last chapter was basically saying how she want to tell her mom about her and her marriage but she scared that she wouldn't accept her for who she really is but after Syd and Kay get fed up with everything she believe it's time to tell her mom about her sexuality.

Kay: Baby you ready to talk to mom about this?

Syd: I mean if I'm not ready I might as well be ready because she will have to find out either way it goes.

Kay: True, but don't do anything you don't feel comfortable with doing.

Syd: I know baby, I'm comfortable with telling her I just want her to except me for who I am ya know?

Kay: Yea I understand that, well is she at home?

Syd; Yea I just called her.

Kay: Alright well I'll wait outside till your finish or you want me to come in?

Syd: It's all up to you babe.

Kay: I'll just stay outside, just call me if u need me.

Syd: Alright baby.


*Syd calls her mom down stairs to talk to her about everything she has on her chest*

Syd: Hey mom.

Mom: Hey honey what's wrong?

Syd: I really need to talk to you, it's really important.

Mom: What's going on?

Syd: I don't know where or how to start.

Mom: Well what's it about?

Syd: It's about me ma.

Mom: What's going on?

Syd: Well um I......I like......

Mom: You like what? I hope its church.

Syd: I haven't been to church in a while because I know God won't accept me.

Mom: Well what is it?

Syd: I like women...

    *Before Syd could say anything else her mom slapped her*

   * Syd looks at her mom with pity in her eyes and wonders why she don't except her daughter for who she is*

Syd: Mom, why you just can't accept me for who I am?

Mom: Syd, Get the FUCK out my house now! I don't except gays, lesbians whatever y'all label y'all self as in my house.

Syd: But I'm your child I'm not like none of them other people, I thought you would accept me for who I am but I see you still the same ole Keisha and always will be.

Mom: You know I don't except none of that lesbian stuff.

Syd: Well I got married to RAE the one that always said she was my friend?

Mom: That dyke?

Syd: Mom don't, you know what I'm leaving before I say something I don't mean. BYE HAVE A NICE ASS LIFE!

Mom: You too.

Syd: Yea, whatever.

Mom: Be back to get your shit and move in with that dyke.

Syd: Nah it's good don't you can throw it away I don't anything out your house.

*Syd walks out the house and slams the door*

Kay: So what did your mom say?

Syd: Look at my face baby that should tell you everything.

Kay: Omg! Baby I'm so sorry she did that to you, it's all my fault I shouldn't even have asked you to do that.

Syd: No baby it's ok sweetheart.

Kay: Baby that's not good because you know how i feel about your face being bruised up.

Syd: Yea I know.

Kay: I love you baby.

Syd: I love you more.


*Well as you guys know in the LGBQ community no one really excepts what we are or what we choose to be, we choose to like women because we want to. But the important part Sydney doesn't like the fact her mom don't like that she likes women and married to one. Syd don't care about anyone oppinion but she just wanted her mom too except her* REMEMBER NEVER DISCRIMINATE AGAINST YOUR OWN KIND! WE ALL LOVE YOU FOR WHO YOU ARE.



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