Chapter 3- Is she an Old friend or Fuck friend Part II

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Prev. On Chapter 3 part one of is she an old friend or fuck friend , Syd and Kay go on about Syd's mom reaction about her being a lesbian, later they head to a club and Syd sees an old friend name Chris. They were college buddies in the pass, and Syd decides to show up at Chris's house.

       *Its 3:00 a.m. Syd is getting ready to go see Chris for a little while since she can't sleep, Kay is sleeping because she have to get up in the morning for work.* Syd sneaks out the house without telling Kay where she's going.*

                        *Syd calls Chris to let her know that she's on her way*

Syd- I'm on my way.

Chris- Alright let me know when your outside ill unlock the door.

Syd- Ok boo.

                        *25 minutes later, Syd arrives at Chris house.*

Syd- I'm outside

Chris- Alright, the door open.

Syd- K.

           *She walks in Chris house, of course she has a nice house, they walk in Chris bedroom and start watching movies, then Chris goes to the rest room too run some bath water for her and Syd*

Chris- Come on let's take a bath.

Syd- Chris you know I only came over here to chill none of that other stuff you thinking of.

Chris- I know but I just want to take a bath with you.

Syd- Nah, it's ok.

Chris- You must have showered before you came here?

Syd- Ha-ha, Yeah how you know?

Chris- I smell it all over you and when you walked in.

Syd- Oh true, true.

Chris- Well give me 30 minutes I'll be back'

Syd- Alright I'll be laying in your comfortable bed.

Chris- Ha-ha ok.

                    *30 minutes later*

Chris- I'm.....Wait I know you not sleeping.

Syd- Huh? Oh see what had happen was I was tired of waiting on you.

Chris- You could have picked out a movie.

Syd- I did, I watched it for 30 minutes then went to sleep, and that was my movie.

Chris- Ha-ha smart ass. Scoot over so I can lay with you.

Syd- OK.

Chris- Are you cold?

Syd- Yea a little, come cuddle.

Chris- OK fine.

           *Chris looks under the blanket and all she have on is some short shorts and a tank top*

Chris- What happen to your clothes?

Syd- As you can see I left half of them on, be lucky you not Kay or ill sleep with only panties on.

Chris- You right, well let's watch a movie.

Syd- OK pick one, Wait lets watch Let's Be Cops.

Chris- Alright cool.

              *Chris wraps her hand around Syd's waist as they watch the movie, then Syd turns on her back, of course she knew what she wanted and what she was doing but she couldn't help herself because she was horny and she wanted some feel good.* She whispers in Chris ear and says *Play with her* Chris looks at her and says *You know this isn't right I can't do that your married and so am I." She said your right. She grabs Chris hands and put them in her shorts and says *Daddy play with it, she wants you and kisses her.* Chris couldn't help but to play with it. She starts to play with it and starts to kiss Syd on her neck. Her eyes rolls to the back of her head and she says *Daddy only if you knew.* Chris flips her over and she says "Yea I know baby, I know she starts to kiss her lower and lower.* Well now its 6:30 a.m. Rae calls Sydney and she answers...

Syd- Yes Baby?

Kay- Where are you?

Syd- I'm at a friend's house I left because I couldn't sleep so I asked her can I come over.

Kay- Ok you about to come home?

Syd- Yea I'm coming home.

Kay- Right now?

Kay- No. I was sleeping?

Kay- Ok whatever I'm going to work.

Syd- Bye Kay.

                       *Kay knows exactly where Syd is she's just playing stupid right now. Kay is really on her way to Chris house.*

                   *25 Minutes later an unexpected person knocks on Chris door*

Chris- Who is it?

Person- It's Kay.

Chris- Who?

Person- Nigga you heard me, open the door because I know my wife is in there.

Chris- Yo girl is not in here.

Person- Chris look I'm not about to play with you or her I know she in here because I acted like I was sleeping and I read her text messages that's how I know she here, plus I just got off the phone with her.

Chris- Hold on.

     *Chris calls Syd to the door*

Syd- What are you doing here Rae?

Kay- You know exactly what I'm doing here, what the fuck are you doing here?

Syd- I told you I was by a friend house.

Kay- Don't play stupid with me, I know exactly what the fuck I'm talking about girl.

Syd- Baby... I

Kay- Don't baby me, baby that girl you was giving your pussy too.

Syd- I'm sorry.

Kay- Fuck that and fuck.... you know what never mind bye Syd.

                                                 *Syd feels real bad because she didn't want it to happened like that, she just wanted to be out the house because she couldn't sleep that's what she wanted Kay to think.*

Syd- I have to go.

Chris- Yea I understand, I really apologize I didn't mean for none of this to happen.

Syd- Yea we were just two horny ass people.

Chris- Ha-ha true.

Syd- Well I'll talk too you soon, now I have to go home and deal with Kay and her mouth.

Chris- Alright talk to you soon.





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