Chapter 18: Target Lock

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3rd Person's pov

"Hey Tae, I have bad news and Good News." Namjoon said as he called Taehyung through the phone. Taehyung was just done taking a shower and he is wearing a bathrobes and his hair is still wet but a towel was place on top of it.

"What is it?" Tae asked.

"Well, Remember that email and account number that was given to us?" Namjoon said.

"And?" Taehyung said.

"I traced it and found the sender of both email and account number. I found his place and bring Hoseok Hyung with me to go to his place but, His already Dead when we found the guy. His body is already cold, probably dead for more than 3 days. What killed him though, is a single bullet to the head. " Namjoon said.

" Tsk, So were back on square one again! Ugh! " Taehyung said annoyed.

" Not exactly. You see, we investigate the place turns out that the man was hot by a sniper. We determined the angle of as to where the sniper would be and we got a hint. We asked around the neighbourhood if they find some strange Guy who was roaming around the area and one witness said that there is this guy who went to the rooftop and was carrying a Guitar Case. We asked for the description and we have a face. " Namjoon said.

" I guessed this is the good news right? " Taehyung said.

" Yup, Unfortunately we are having hard time finding this guy. " Namjoonn said.

" Its expected hyung. Hired Snipers are really hard to find. " Taehyung said.

"Yeah... Well, I just call to inform you about this. Hope we could find this guy by tomorrow." Namjoon said.

"Thanks for the good Work Hyung." Taehyung said.

"Speaking of... Are you really gonna make a move to Jungkook?" Namjoon said.

"My love life doesn't concern you Hyung." Taehyung said.

"I'm just worried for both of you. You know if he'll find out the truth, both of you will got hurt." Namjoon said and Taehyung look down.

"He won't found out the truth no matter what." Taehyung said.

"I see..." Namjoon said.



Jungkook was walking to his apartment and he is going to go pass through the alley again. It was just normal until...


He look down and saw the Cute cat.

But as he was to kneel down, he heard a gun fired in his back ground. He look behind him and saw that it was a miss Bullet. He look around to where the shooter is but he got fired again and this time Jungkook was hit in the arm. Jungkook then saw where the shooter is and its too dark to see who is it, but he could see the sniper was pointing at him.

He quickly run to safety back to his apartment with bullets chasing him. Goodthing he survive that chase as he close the door behind him and slid down panting hard.

"Who the hell is that guy!?" Jungkook thought. He groan in pain as he felt the pain in his arm. He quickly stand up and went to the bathroom and treat the wound. His arm wasn't directly hit or else his arm will had a bullet buried deep within.

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