[ spirited away ]

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i wish for nothing but
to rest my weary bones in
an empty house nothing but
solitude greeting me at
the front door nothing but
silence sitting beside me on
the floor nothing but
my sacred space surrounding me
as i place my head on
the back of the sofa closing
my eyes and breathing in
the deep hush of comfort
found in the reality of living solo

to many this may sound
a little bit lonesome but
in comparison this is
a form of sanctuary

no shouts of anger no tears of grief
no yells of pride and no signs of violence
jolting you up in the middle of
the night to remind you that
a monster lurks deep within
your belly for you are tainted with
the blood of beasts and there is no
running away from that

i wish for nothing but
to rest my wickedness in
an empty house where
i can hurt no one but myself

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