Prologue: The Tragedy

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"Back then, my life was happy..."

You were excited because your big brother, Takeshi was enrolled at Harvard University with the top score. Your family congratulated him by having dinner together at a restaurant before Takeshi went to the airport in a few days. 

"Hey, (N/N), would you like to go with us to America?! It was your dream to go there!" Takeshi asked excitedly as he raised his face from the meal. You looked up and turned to your parents who watching you, waiting for your answer. 

In your head, you were always wondering about America all the time as it was your favorite country besides Japan. The Hollywood, the University Studio amusement park, It was your dream to go there. 

But when you thought about your friend who lived next to your family, Kashima Ryuuichi, and his little brother, Kotaro staying alone while his parents went overseas with your parents and Takeshi, making your dream faded away.

"No, thank you. I should stay at home, watching over Ryuuichi and Kotaro." You shook your head and replied. Takeshi and your parents nodded as they understood you. 

"Then we will be there for two days. Then we are coming back to you, okay?" Dad told his children as he slammed his fist softly on his hand. Mom nodded her hand as she agreed with him. 

"And (N/N), I'll call you before I go to sleep every day, Okay?" Takeshi said happily. You stood up and went to hug him. He hugged you back happily as your parents watched the two happily. 




~ A few days later~

"(N/N), You'll stay with Ryuuichi-kun and Kotaro-kun until we return, Okay?" Mom placed her hands on your shoulders as you nodded in response. Your dad was talking with Ryuuichi's dad as they had been best friends since you moved here in this apartment and were neighbors to each other. 

"Ryuuichi, (Y/N)-chan will be staying with you, so take care of her, okay?" Ryuuichi's mom told her son who was holding Kotaro in his arms. 

"Yes, Mom!" Ryuuichi nodded, making her smile before she kissed Kotaro's cheek goodbye.

"Let's go then!" Your dad yelled happily as he wrapped his arm around Takeshi's shoulders. 

"We need to be there before 1 p.m!" You stood beside Ryuuichi as you waved to them. 

"Bye, Dad! Bye, Mom! Bye, Takeshi-niichan! Please come back soon!" The three waved back to you before going to the elevator and the door closed.

"So..." You turned around to Ryuuichi and Kotaro, smiling sweetly. "Can I play with you guys?" 

Kotaro reached his small hands to you, Ryuuichi giggling before he said. "He's really happy that you'll stay here with us."

"Can I hold him, please?" You asked, making puppy eyes. 

Ryuuichi chuckled as he smiled warmly before he gave Kotaro to you. Kotaro was snuggling his face to your chest. You smiled warmly as you patted his back. Ryu then took you to his room while you carried Kotaro in your arms.




~A few days later~

While you were reading the book with Kotaro sitting on your lap, Ryuuichi was cooking a meal for you and Kotaro. 

A phone was ringing beside you, you tried to get it but Ryuuichi shouted for the kitchen. "Don't worry, (N/N)! I'll get it!" 

Ryuuichi hurriedly grabbed the phone. "Hello?" He listened for a while before he suddenly dropped the phone and kneeled and cried. 

You gently placed Kotaro on the couch before rushing and kneeling beside him. "Ryu, What's wrong? What happened?"

Ryuuichi had tears in his eyes as he pulled you down and hugged you tightly. "There was a plane crash, and our parents are..." 

You were stunned for a moment before you knew what that meant. "Nii-chan... and my parents too?!" Ryuuichi nodded in response. Your eyes had tears falling from them because the accident killed both of your parents but also Takeshi, your big brother as well. 

"WHY DID THIS HAPPEN?!" You cried loudly in your head while you were hugging Ryuuichi tightly who also consoling you as well. You both consoled each other, you placed your chin on Ryu's shoulder as he patted the back of your head softly.




~At the funeral~

You wore your black dress and the hemline reached your shin, Ryuuichi was wearing his school uniform while Kotaro wore his casual outfit. 

You looked down at your phone and looked at the picture of your family and Takeshi as you remembered the day when you were Kotaro's age, he always took care of you like what Ryuuichi did to Kotaro. 

The picture showed a lot of pictures that you and your brother had a happy time together as a family, the time that Takeshi played with you, making you couldn't handle your tears as they slipped from your eyes. You wiped your tears off with your handkerchief but it didn't help you at all.

You began sobbing louder, making Ryuuichi and Kotaro notice. You closed your eyes and cried until you felt a tiny hand wiping your tears away. You opened your eyes slowly, seeing Kotaro in front of you. 

You grabbed him as you sobbed on top of his head. Kotaro clutched on your dress while Ryuuichi pulled you toward his chest and wrapped his arms around you. 

"I missed them... Ryu. I have no one anymore." You sobbed while saying, making yourself hiccup. You wrapped your arm that didn't hold Kataro around his back while you were sobbing on his shoulder. 

"You don't have no one, (N/N). You have us here with you. I'll take care of you both. I promise." You nodded, smiling back at them while wiping your tears away with your free arm.

"But at least, I have Ryu and Kotaro here with me..."




~After that day~

You heard the doorbell ring from the front door, you were holding Kotaro as you looked at it in curiosity. "Who's at the door?"

"I'll go get it." Ryuuichi stood up for the door as he opened the door, you walked and stood beside him, seeing a man with glasses and he closed his eyes all the time. He handed the card as he introduced himself. 

"A pleasure to meet you. My name is Saikawa." You took the card in your left hand as your other hand was carrying Kotaro. "I'm here on behalf of my employer."

You looked down and read it. "Morinomiya Academy Saikawa Keigo." You both looked at each other before you two decided what to do.

"And that was when my new life started as I was trying to leave my old life behind me..."

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