Chapter 1: First Day at Daycare

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You were standing on Kotaro's right while you both were looking at the guide map on the board. You both wore our old school uniform while Kotaro wore his casual outfits. 

"Let's see..." Ryuuichi mumbled as he looked around the map.

"The chairwoman's office would be... that way, I guess?" You pointed the way on the map. 

As you both turned to our left, you walked while you both were holding onto Kotaro's hands and heading to the chairwoman's office. "It sure is a big school, though..." Ryuuichi mumbled as he looked around the school. 

"We're sure to be lost in school if we don't find the map..." You said. 

You flinched slightly because Kotaro stopped walking. You and Ryuuichi looked down at him in worry. 

"Are you tired?" Ryuuichi asked. 

"Can you keep walking, Kotaro?" You asked him too. He nodded in response. You both looked at each other as if you two didn't know what he meant.

"Which is it?" You both thought the same thing before you scooped Kotaro up into your arms. 

"Upsy-daisy!" You said happily as Ryuuichi looked at you and Kotaro happily. Kotaro gripped your uniform tightly, you smiled cheerfully as you comforted him, looking down at him. "Don't worry, Kotaro. You'll be fine."

"The chairwoman here is willing to take in and care for a total stranger like us. She's sure to be a nice person." You two then kept heading towards the building while Ryuuichi held your left hand.

"Our parents were 'free spirits.' They hardly ever came home..." Ryuuichi thought as he looked at you who looked up at the sky.

"My parents sometimes traveled overseas and always left Takeshi with me to take care of me."

"Then they were in a plane crash, so now they never will. The same with (Y/N)'s parents and her brother."

"But when Takeshi got enrolled at Harvard University, my parents had to go to America to send Takeshi. So I had to stay with Ryu and Kotaro. But then, both my parents and Takeshi didn't return."

"We both had no relatives to take us in and before we could process what happened..." 

You then remembered when Saikawa went to your and Ryuuichi's apartment and gave you two a card.

"The chairwoman of Morinomiya Academy, who lost her son and his wife in the same crash, offered to become our legal guardian."





You both arrived at the Chairwoman's office. "This will be our first time meeting her." You looked down as you felt nervous, you held Kotaro slightly tight. 

Kotaro noticed it as he patted your cheek. "(Y/N)-neechan." 

You looked down as you said sorry to him. "I'm sorry, Kotaro. You must feel suffocated." 

Ryuuichi noticed you as he gripped your hand, comforting you. You looked down at your hand before looking up at him. "Don't worry, (N/N). I think that she will be nice to us. You don't have to be nervous."

"I need to make a proper introduction and offer my condolences." Ryuuichi thought before he knocked on the door three times. 

"Come in." The voice of Saikawa came through the door, you all entered the room as Ryuuichi said. 

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