Chapter 10: Nezu's Twins

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You carried the new set of new clothes as Ryuuichi hung the clothes, You placed them down on the ground before you noticed Kotaro was wandering around the bushes. 

"Kotaro, you can follow the ants if you want, but don't leave the grounds by yourself." Ryuuichi told him as he followed the trail of the ants. You went to help him as Ryuuichi hung the socks. "Nii-chan. Nee-chan." You both looked down at Kotaro because he was tugging you both. 

"What is it, Kotaro?" You asked him before he pulled both of your pants as you were confused. 

"Kotaro! We can't walk when you pull me and (N/N) like that! We'll follow you, we promise." Kotaro kept tugging until he stopped and pointed. "Did you find a cat or--"

You raised your face to see the black-haired little boy stuck on the hedge. He gasped as he was found. "Nezu-kun?" Ryuuichi breathed out the name. 

"Mousie." Kotaro said, pointing. 

You bent down to take a closer look at him as you said. "I guess not... But it sure looks like him." You then saw him struggling, trying to get himself out of the hedges. 

"Hey... Are you trapped there? Don't worry. We'll pull you out now. Give us your hands." You and Ryuuichi reached hands to him as he stared at them. "And if you need something here, we'll gladly hear you out."

"N-No way!" He hit Ryuuichi's hand, making him groan as his hand reddened. Kotaro looked at his brother's hand in shock and stunned, you gently grabbed his hand to check the bruise.

"I don't have anything to say to you, and I'm not going home. So I'm fine staying here! Leave me alone!" The boy yelled as you startled slightly.

"Hit... Nii-chan..." 

Ryuuichi noticed him as he patted his head. "Kotaro, please. It's not the end of the world." Ryuuichi told Kotaro as he went pale. "It didn't hurt at all."

You looked at the boy who turned away from you guys. "But he really does look just like him... Are you Nezu-kun's brother or something?" You asked, smiling softly. 

He nodded slightly, making you smile widely. "I see! Nice to meet you."

"You know my brother, Chukichi?" He asked. 

"Yeah, we go to the same school." You remembered that depressed face very well. 

"Did something happen at home? You said earlier that you didn't need to come out..." Ryuuichi asked. He kept silent, you sighed as you stood up. "If you don't want to talk, we can't make you. (N/N) and I am gonna keep doing our laundry over there." Ryuuichi said as you both turned around. "If you want to come out, just call me or (N/N)."

"Onii-chan, Onee-chan, you're so rich that you live in a house like this, but you do your own laundry?" 

Ryuuichi's eyes widened as he said with his back turned. "Um, I guess the chairwoman is rich, yeah, but we're basically just freeloaders here..." 

You chuckled lightly before you said next. "And anyway, even rich people do laundry, like us."

"Anyway... Kotaro, you wait here." Kotaro nodded, Ryuuichi then walked back to the laundry but he stopped walking as he noticed you didn't follow him. 

"I'll wait here to watch over him." Ryuuichi nodded before he walked out. 

"I should probably call Nezu-kun." He picked up the phone and searched for the name but it didn't match. 

"I don't have his number, though..." He then searched for the other one to call.


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