Chapter 7: Ryuuichi Got a Cold

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Your eyes stiffened before you woke up from your slumber. You looked at the window to see the light peeking through the curtain. "Feels... heavy..." You turned around to see Kotaro sleeping on top of Ryuuichi. His drool was dripping on his chest. 

"Good morning, Ryu." Ryuuichi turned to you before smiling. You noticed that his cheeks turned red and his voice was husky. "Do you have a cold, Ryu? You don't look so good."

"No, I'm fine, (N/N). I'm just feeling tired.  Kotaro. Please move. You're heavy. It's time to get up. Huh?" Ryuuichi rubbed the back of Kotaro's head, making him groan and wake up, he rubbed his eyes and opened them.

"You three can't sleep in just because it's your day off!" The door suddenly opened, appeared to the chairwoman and Saikawa were at the door. "Get out here this instant!" 

Suddenly Ryuuichi fell off the bed, making the chairwoman and you look in surprise. You quickly rushed around the bed and helped him up. "Are you okay?! I told you that you don't look so good!"

"No, I'm okay, (N/N)... Sorry, I'll be right there..." He placed his hand on the bed while the other one held on to Kotaro but he then fell to the floor. He sat up and rubbed Kotaro who was clutched on his chest. "S-Sorry, Kotaro..."

"Ryuuichi-sama, congratulations." Saikawa said with his back straight. "I see your voice has changed." 

The chairwoman used her staff to hit on Saikawa's head. "That's not what this is!" 

Saikawa rubbed his head while he apologized to her. "Forgive me. It was meant as a joke."

"Forget your jokes and fetch a thermometer." The chairwoman commanded as Ryuuichi snotted. 

"Yes, ma'am."

"I'm fine. I just need a little rest..."

"Patients should be quiet and do as they are told!" The chairwoman turned back with a scary gaze, making both of you flinch in fright. 

"Y-Yes, ma'am!" You both replied, The chairwoman then grabbed the back of Kotaro's shirt and pulled him to her. 

"And Kotaro, you'll come with me." Kotaro's face looked down in depression as he couldn't play with his brother. "If you both catch his cold,  it'll be triple the trouble for me. Stay out of this room until Ryuuichi is better." 

Before she walked out, she turned to you. "And you, help him get to bed and get out of here." 

After the door closed, you put Ryuuichi's left arm around you and helped him get to bed. You then covered him with a blanket. "S-So hard to move..." Ryuuichi mumbled as he panted heavily. 

"Do you want me to stay with you?" You asked him as you stood not far from him. 

"It's okay, (N/N). You should get out of the room or you'll get cold too." You nodded and walked towards the door but suddenly you felt a hand grab your wrist. You stopped walking before looking down to see Ryuuichi grabbing your wrist. "Please, hurry back." 

You stared down at your wrist and him before you nodded in response. "Okay. then, Sleep well, Ryu." 

You walked and closed the door as he watched you leave. You sighed and leaned at the door but jumped away as you felt a presence at the door. You looked down to see Kotaro leaning at the door. "Kotaro...? What are you doing here?" You kneeled to him as he turned his head to you. 

"Stop hanging off that door and come with me!" You flinched before turning your head and saw the chairwoman. "There's a proper procedure for treating a patient. If you want your brother to get better quickly, then help me." 

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