Chapter 12: Stickers

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"Hey, Yuki. What do you like about Kashima-kun?" Reina asked Yuki who stopped eating before the crimson-red blush overwhelmed her face.

"N-No, I... Please stop! If he hears you..." Yuki yelled flustering as she looked at her sides.

"He's not here, so no worries!" Saki reassured her but it made all the boys on the other side depressed as they all watched Yuki blushing by just the name of Ryuuchi.

"But I don't really feel that way... Well, maybe I do like him a little... but, well, it's just..."

"Well, I can totally see Kashima-kun's appeal." Yuki's eyes widened as Reina started to talk about Ryuuichi. "He easily has the best looks and personality of any guy in our class. He's kind of a "comfy" type."

"That's true!" Saki said with her hand rising. "One time, I dropped my eraser, and he picked it up for me!"

"Lucky you!"

Yuki looked at her friends as Reina changed the topic. "The only other appealing guy in our class is, like... Kamitani, maybe? I think even girls in other classes and upperclassmen like him."

"Yes, he's hot." Saki said with delight. 

"Well, he is attractive... but isn't he a little scary?" Their friend commented as they imagined Kamitani's stern face before Saki quickly defended him. 

"That's what makes him so hot! Besides, he's in the babysitter club to help Kashima-kun! That proves he's secretly nice! Definitely top-tier!"

"True... but I think I'm still more of a Kashima girl myself." 

Yuki's face became downhearted as she thought to herself. "I had no idea... Kashima-kun is that popular?" 

Reina noticed her expression as she said to her. "We're not gonna be your rivals or anything, though. So don't worry about that, Yuki." Saki nodded in response, agreeing with her.

"Y-You don't have to hold back on my account...!" Yuki quickly refused to cover her embarrassment. 

"No, no, that's not what we meant..."

"Yeah, Kashima-kun's situation is more complicated. First, that baby brother is a tough competition." 

"Even if you were dating, you'd never be his #1 priority." They all daydreamed about Ryuuichi and Kotaro as Yuki listened intently. 

"Oh, also, Kashima-kun is very close to (Y/N)-chan in our class, doesn't he?" Yuki hummed in doubt as you were in the conversation. 

"Ever hear the rumors that they're romantically involved?"

"I hope that's not true! I mean, she befriends the hottest boys in school, even Tomoya-kun." Yuki noticed you at the door and she gasped lightly. As you walked past the room, the conversation came to your ear. You stopped as you listened to what they were talking about and why you were on the topic. "I guess that she might never think of him that way. She can have all the boys she wants. Kashima-kun might not be the one for her. I feel bad for him. If Kashima-kun really did have feelings for her, he could be heartbroken. What a flirtatious girl she is!" 

Ebizawa who ate his lunch glanced at the door before he saw you. His face turned pale and quickly told the girls. "Yo, girls! She's passing by right now!"

All the girls except Yuki gasped as they turned to you terrified and sweatdropped. You frowned with a smile dropped and glared dagger at them before someone called out to you. "Hey, (N/N)!" You quickly changed to a smile as you turned around to see Ryuuichi and Kamitani. "What's the matter? Why aren't you going inside?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09 ⏰

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