Chapter 4: Valentine's Day

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At the daycare on a special day, all the kids were playing with each other. Takuma was playing with the toy car while Kazuma held the ball in his hand. 

"This is how you pet him." Kirin told Midori how to pet the plushie giraffe. Taka was drawing something on the paper and last, Kotaro was reading the book beside him.

Usaida walked around before his gaze lay on the calendar, he slammed his fist on his hand softly. "Oh, right. That's today!" He turned around to the kids and called out. "Hey, you guys. Come over here." 

The kids rushed in front of him as he kneeled to them. "Well?" He opened the palms of his hands, the kids stared at them curiously. 

Kotaro placed his hand down. "I don't want your hand. If your mommies or (N/N)-chan sent anything for me and Ryu-chan, you can hand it over now."

"I got nothin'! but (N/N) said that she will give us the pocky in the next break!" Taka explained to him. 

"Yes!" Kirin said. 

"Pocky!" Takuma shouted. 

"Pocky..." Kazuma mumbled. 

"Pocky!" Midori said with drool dropping on the corner of her lips. 

Usaida sighed as he wondered if you would give him the pocky too.

Because... today was Valentine's Day.




~At classroom~

"Hey, did you bring any chocolate?"

"You bet I did!" The girl named Yamane Saki replied to her friend who put her hair in a pigtail on her side named Kabata Reina.

"Got a special guy in your life?"

"Not telling!" Saki raised her finger to her lips before the girl who wore the glasses asked the bob hair girl who was sitting in front of her. "What about you, Yuki-chan?"

"Gonna give it to anyone?" 

Yuki shook her head and her hands with red cheeks. "Um..." She then laughed awkwardly. While the girls were gossiping about who they would give the chocolate to, the boys were talking about how they hadn't gotten any chocolate from the girls. 

"It's so lame that our school bans giving Valentine's chocolate." the boy who wore the glasses named Usokawa said. 

His friend named Saginuma scratched the side of his head as he said, "Yeah, but it's not like they search our belongings. I think quite a few guys will be getting some." 

"N-No way!" Usokawa yelled before he turned to Ryuuichi and you who were standing beside him, watching him do his homework. "Kashima!" 

You both turned to look at Ryuuichi's friend, Usokawa calling you both. "Have any girls given you chocolate today?"

"N-No, why?" Ryuuichi replied. 

Usokawa quickly went beside him and placed his hands on Ryuuichi's shoulders. "None from Ushimaru-san, right?"

"N-No!" You noticed that the girl named Ushimaru Yuki lifted her lips slightly. 

"So Kashima-kun hasn't gotten any..."

"And not from (L/N)-san either?!" Ryuuichi's face turned all red as he quickly turned away from him but then met with your gaze who stared at him already. His face flushed as he buried his face on the table. Yuki was staring in shock as she watched Ryuuichi's reaction when making eye contact with you. 

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