Chapter 48

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Jahan Ali's P.O.V

"Can I open her door now?"
Mira asked me angrily...

"Yeah let her come out and you bring her here. I need to talk to her" but without replying me, she went out of our room..

She is angry on me because I locked Maya in her room..I had to do it because I didn't had any option..

If I didn't do that, I was afraid that she would do something to break this engagement. She wouldn't care about my company. She got very fond to Mr. Khan and I am afraid that she will kill Khushi now for this engagement...

I have to admit that I won't never be able to kill Khushi now.. I had lost my all chances to kill her. I just talked to my doctor. He already told me that there is no chance that she will get her memories back. But I can't use her.

If Maya got married to him, I could have easily got my hand on his money but I know in Khushi's case, she will die but never want to give his money to me...

Now just one way is open for me. But I can't do this, how can I do it.. I can't k....

My thought broke when Mira entered our room with angry Maya...

" Don't you think you should explain your act, dad? No. Hell with your explanation! I don't care about anything and listen if you fail to stop this marriage, I will tell the whole truth to Murat vaia (brother ) and you two know very well what will happened if he gets to know the truth" She shouted at us..

"Maya, listen to your Dad. Don't talk in your ba..." but Maya went out without listening to her mother...

" What will we do now Jahan? I know Maya very well. If she really tells him, he will surely kill us" Mira told me..

Now I have to do it.. After all I can't lose everything after my so much of Plan..

Just one question Mira. So answer me calmly and honestly " Do you want to live a rich life or want to rot in jail?" I asked her...

"Of course, rich life Jahan and you also know it. So why you are asking me about it?" She asked me..

"Nothing just wanted to confirm. That's all.."

Arman's P.O.V

We have only one week in our hand Murat. We should start wedding Shopping, Murat but the problem is we need a girl for selecting Khushi's dress and Jewelleries " I told Murat..

"Yeah you are right " He told me..

"Oh I forgot. You have another sister. So we can ask her. I am sure as an older sister, she will help us right?" I asked him..

"I am afraid that she will not. The terms Between Khushi and Maya is not good. Maya hates her" He told me..

"What but why?" I asked him again because I am sure that Khushi can't do anything wrong to anyone. So what made Maya hate her own sister..!

" Actually Khushi is not our real sister. She is adopted. So Maya always sees her like outsider. She never thinks of her as a family member let alone a sister.. In past she used to hurt Khushi a lot and when I tried to protect her, Abbu sent me abroad for completing my study" He explained me..

"That cannot be a reason to hate someone Murat. I know I don't have any right to say but I think your sister is mentally ill. You should admit her in hospital. I was thinking, maybe she was busy that's why she was missing today but now I understand. She hates her that's why she wasn't at home today..

" Well this matter is deep Arman. Maya likes Mr. Khan or his money, I don't' know. But she was telling me few days ago that soon she will marry Mr. Khan and went away from this family, from Khushi but Mr. Khan sent proposal for Khushi and maybe that's why she got again mad at Khushi and left home" Murat told me..

"Okay. Anyway let's forget about it."

Murat is sad that his sister is not a nice person like Khushi..

"So we can ask for Khushi's friend's help. What is her name..? I forget" saying this, I tried to remember when Murat spoke up "Hayat"

"Oh yes. Let's ask for help to her. I think she help us..

Now let's begin our sister's marriage preparation..."

"Yeah let's start. And Arman don't' forget Mr. Khan is the most eligible bachelor and top successful business man in this country. Also his brother -in-law is one of the top successful business men of America. So they will surely arrange a grand wedding and we have to match up with their stand." Murat told me..

"InshaAllah we will. After all we two are also the top business man of England...

Don't worry. inshaAllah everything will go nicely."


Assalamu-alaikum dears

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I know the chapter is too short so I will update another chapter at night Insha_Allah..

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