Chapter 31

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Eid Mubarak my dear readers....

May Allah bless and protect you and your family. And also give you all the happiness you deserve on this holy occasion of Eid🌹🌹🌹


Murat Ali P.O.V

I have to find her. I know she is here in this town, but will she want to see me. Of course not cause I broke her heart. I called her names. I insulted her and at last I pushed her away...

From last 3 years I have been searching for her and lastly I find her...

I know she is mad at me. May be she hates me now but I won't give up on her.

I will make her to forgive me and I am sure one day she will forgive me cause I know she loves me so much, even more than her self...

I were a fool to think that I didn't love her. I were a fool to hurt her but now I want to apologize for my cheap work...

I promise you Hayat, I will gain your love again and you have to come back to me....

Hayat P.O.V

It has been 4 years since I shifted here but I still can't forget about him..

The pain is still alive in my heart, the betrayal, the insult, his fake care, his false love.

I still remember the day when he broke my heart, when he confessed that he just took his revenge on me, because I hurt his ego...

"What are you thinking???" Khushi asked and my thought broke....

"Nothing, Yarr ( friend), just thinking about our exams. I mean our exams are coming soon" I replied her nervously, but she caught me....

"Stop telling lies Hayat, I know you are thinking about him again. Why Hayat??? Just why can't you forget about him?? It has been many years but still you cry thinking about him" Khushi said...

"I can't forget his betrayal Khushi. He broke my heart into pieces" I told her....

"Hayat, you never told me his name or anything about him. Look I just want you to be happy. So please forget about him" Khushi said...

"I am trying Khushi but I just can't" I said...

"No you have to. Look Hayat, vaia (brother) loves you. Just give him a chance " Khushi said....

"No, Khushi I can't. I know he loves me but I can't accept him" I said...

"Hey my litter sister, how are you???" Someone asked behind..

When we turned, we saw Mizan standing there...

Khushi P.O.V

When we turned, we found Mizan Vaia (brother) is standing there..

He always calls me little sister and takes care of me like a brother...

"Alhamdulillah, I am fine vaia ( brother) , How are you???"

" Alhamdulillah I am fine too sister. How are you Hayat???" Vaia (brother) asked nervously because Hayat always ignores him...

"Alhamdulillah, I am fine. Khushi I have to go now. See you in class" Hayat said and went away....

"Why she always ignores me, Khushi?? Am I that bad?? " Mizan Vaia (brother) asked me sadly...

"It is not like that vaia ( brother). She still can't forget him" I told him...

"But it has been many years Khushi? Why she can't move on???" Mizan Vaia ( brother) asked me sadly and went away....

I know Mizan vaia (brother) loves her so much. I have to talk to Hayat.
She can't stay like this. She is not only hurting Mizan vaia (brother) but also hurting herself....

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