Chapter 55

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Hasan's P.O.V

I am now waiting at my cabin for the girl..

For the last two days my men worked hard about this case and found out the girl. But I never expected the girl will be...

I contacted her last night and requested her to meet me in my cabin and fortunately she agreed..

Soon I heard a knock at my door, when I gave her permission to come in she entered my cabin..

" Sir you called me? " She asked ...

"Yes and take a seat. Look I don't know how to start it and how you will take it but I need to tell you a important matter about your parents" and hearing word the parent, her eyes got watery..

" I am an orphan sir, I don't have any parent. Even I don't remember about them. The orphanage where I used to live, they said to me that one night they found me in front of that orphanage..

It was like someone dropped me there and I was three years old that time" She told me...

"Look I know it is hard for you and I know the pain of losing parents. I also lost my Abbu. So I want you to tell me everything you remembered.."

While nodded she again started, "Sir I don't remember rightly but that night I remembered a man maybe he was my Abbu, he was running with me from some people.. But he was badly hurt so after sometime of running he dropped me from his arms and said me to hide behind a wall..When I denied that man promised me that he will come back in no time..

And I agreed and hid behind the wall. Hiding there I saw the man running to the opposite side and few man started chasing him..

I waited there whole right in rain but he didn't come back to take me and at morning a woman took me in a orphanage.. You may think sir how can I remember all those till now. I remembered those till now because since last 20 years I am seeing this dream every night" She finished saying and looked at me with her water falling eyes..

"That man was actually your Abbu (father)", hearing this, her eyes got shocked. He was running that night for saving your and his life. For saving you he told you to hide but he couldn't save his life. Those man who was chasing him, they killed him that night..

That's why he wasn't able to come back to take you..

I don't know, you will believe it or not but you are the niece of Mr. Jahan Ali" hearing this, she got shocked yet angry..

" I can't be his niece sir. That man is the cheapest man I ever saw. I think you are mistaken" but I cut her off..

"I know it is hard for you to believe that but your Ammi was his sister..

Your Ammi's name was Noor and your uncle killed your parents for money. He wanted to kill you too but your Abbu saved you. He sacrificed his life to save you...

Mr. Ali thought you are dead and here are some pictures of your parents with your uncle", saying this I handed those pictures to her..

That's mean I am having his cheap blood in my vein too", She said

"Having the same blood don't make you bad too, sister and I just wanted to ask you something. Do you want revenge ? Do you want justice for your Parents?" I asked her..

Nodding at me she asked me, "will you help me to gain justice for my parents vaia (brother)?"

"I will sweetie. Don't worry and from now, this brother of yours will stand by you in every situation. Never feel alone from now and I want you to move in my house because if Mr. Ali got to know about you, he will surely try to hurt you. so move in with us and don't worry you will be safe with us" I told her and after thinking sometime she agreed and looked at me..

" Vaia (brother) for the first time in my life I am trusting someone this easily. so please don't break my trust and promise me that you will punish them. You will punish that cheap person Mr. Ali " She requested..

"I promise you dear. I will not leave any person in their family. His all family have to pay for their sins..I promis that I will destroy every person of Mr. Ali's Family. I promis that they will beg to me to kill them. Just wait and watch" saying this, I looked at her but a feel a little disturb when I felt a slight sound at my door..

I walked towards my door and opened it but there was no one. I thought it was just wind. so I walked towards her again..

"So let's go. You have to pack your clothes and then I will drop you at our house" saying this, we left..

But Hasan didn't know that someone heard their conversation and got scared to it's bone and most importantly that person misunderstood him badly....

He didn't know that this misunderstanding will impact a great effect on that person.

Dropping her at home, I introduced her to our family and as expected Ammi welcomed her in open arms. I am now happy that she will be comfortable here...

Now I have an important Matter to take care of.. Mir, my PA just informed me that man come into his sense.

Now he is ready to answer me about that night...

Yeah that night I left my phone at Mr. Jahan's home and I went to take it back but saw his nervous face. I couldn't come back home then. I turned my car and when I reached his home again I found a man was coming out of his house running. Also blood was dropping from his body. first I thought he was one of his victim but seeing me, he tried to ran away so I caught him..

But he was unconscious till now and today he gained his sense finally..

NOW I have to go there to meet him. I have to deal an important matter. That man gained his sense. Now I will get the every answer of my questions I think..

So taking Jubayer with me, we both left to meet him...


Assalamu_Alaikum dear,

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You all insulted my hero because he left that night. But he didn't see. Now don't angry on him anymore...

And dears I really need readers so kindly suggest my story to your friends or if you want you can tag yout friends here. I truly hope you all help me get some readers....

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