Yasuhiro Vent Story

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Yasuhiro laid there silently. He enjoyed the comforting silence that was always there when he cuddled with Leon. He tried his best to think of things to say but drew blanks, feeling dumb for not being able to talk about anything. After a while Hiro got up.

"Sorry babe, I just wanna go take a bath. I'll be as quick as I can!"

Hiro says as he walks to the bathroom. Leon noted how odd it was that Hiro didn't take his towel with him, but dismissed it. Hiro walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind him, forgetting to lock it. He takes his clothes off and neatly folds them, setting them on the counter top when he was done. He turns the water on and lets the tub fill up. He takes the bubbles out and pours some into the tub. After the water got to a reasonable height he turned off the water. He lowers himself into the tub, gripping the tub itself. It seemed so relaxing so he turned on some music to break the silence in the room.

🎶Baby Hotline, please hold me close to you🎶

The music begun, breaking the silence in the room. He slowly started to think about everything at once, knowing he was probably taking his final breaths. He thinks about his favorite season... autumn. He thinks about the sound of the wind shaking the trees. After a while of the wind abusing the tree, the leaves come falling off. They gently float to the ground, waiting to be stepped on. Someone will come walking by, their heavy boots crunching the leaves under them. The wind will start to feel playful, wanting to play with this new human they haven't met before. The wind takes a breath and breaths out strongly, making the humans scarf flutter. They giggle, trying to keep their hat from blowing away. The wind thinks it's playing a funny game but in actuality the human is trying their best to escape. Trying to escape from what we call "reality." They realize it's the perfect weather for a hot chocolate...

🎶 Baby flatline, still time to do it too (Ha-ha-ha!) 🎶

Hiro thinks about another great season... summer. He thinks about the waves crashing against the beach. They crash onto the sand then pull away, feeling like they might have hurt the sand. As the water pulls itself back into the sea, it leaves behind a trail. A trail that shows it was there. To show it will come back again. To show that it won't go away, no matter how many times it feels bad or says sorry. Those words being an empty promise. Kids run along this trail, their feet squishing in the wet sand under them. They scream, seemingly having a good time. But the waves come and ruin everything again, accidentally knocking the little boy down. He starts to cry, not expecting the sea to come and knock him down. The little girl walks over to him and reaches her hand out, offering to help him up. She by now knows the sea only keeps empty promises. She knows better by now. But the little boy has yet to learn...

🎶Baby snack time, chow down to earth-🎶

He thinks, but the buzzing won't go away

🎶But in your head she's a-🎶

It won't go away

🎶Hoarder of quarters🎶

It stops after a while. He goes back to thinking about the seasons, the next one being winter. How the white flakes fall down to earth, covering every surface it can. It begins to pile up, making the surfaces feel like a soft blanket. During this time, all ponds and lakes freeze up. People take advantage of this opportunity and use it for fun, unbeknownst to them the world just wants to be left alone. The pond just wants to be left as it. It doesn't want to be stepped on, let alone skated on. It doesn't want the ugly scars the skates will leave behind. The snow doesn't want to be balled up and thrown around, it wants to be left where it went. The snow feels like everyone is against it, thinking nature and the planet hates it. When it falls from the sky, the animals hibernate. They go to sleep until it becomes warm again. Winter eventually becomes envious of spring, wishing it could be just as loved...

🎶And no boundary boredom-dom. Boundary boredom! 🎶

Finally, it was the season that winter envied... spring. As the snow begins to melt away and the ponds thaw the cherry blossoms begin to bloom. But not just the cherry blossoms, the rest of nature too. The animals come out from hibernation, glad that winter went away. This season usually meant the beginning of a fresh start. "Spring cleaning." People clean out their house of the junk they don't want anymore, just for it to get replaced with more junk. The cycle of the seasons will happen again, then the time will come that the new junk shall be removed and replaced. "One man's trash is another man's treasure." That's what they say, right? But what happens to the trash that doesn't become someone else's treasure? Will it ever find it's purpose? Or will it continue to be trash? Maybe spring cleaning isn't always a good thing. To get rid of those memories. Of better times. Or of worse times. Memories are memories. It's not always as easy to replace those memories, but people still find a way...

Slowly, the music fades out. But not because the song was over, but because Hiro slowly sunk his head into the bath water. Slowly and slowly he sinks under more, wishing to escape reality. He wishes his could just slip into the void and drown amongst the stars. Every time he thinks about slipping into the void it's always the same image. An artist who started off with a black canvas. They take their brush and dip it into the green paint, then start to brush the black canvas with no rhyme or reason. They clean off their brush then do the same with the blue paint and the purple pain. After they've finished painting their empty galaxy, they take the white and flick the paint. The white paint splatters on the canvas, creating small white dots. Hiro always thought that him slipping into the void would make a specific sound. Like the sound of a droplet of water dropping into a bowl full of water. He feels like he's falling endlessly. It is the void so it goes on infinitely, having no end. He slips further and further into the void, the darkness muffling any noise he tries to make. He reaches out, hoping to grab something that'll stop the falling. He grabs a star, but it comes lose from the beautiful black canvas. He holds onto it tightly, wishing it could've saved him. He continues to fall, the endless void living up to its name. He wishes someone would come and save him. He wanted someone to come pull him out of this endless abyss of nothingness. He wanted to be pulled out and to be held tightly, wanting that person to tell him he was needed. Give him the validation he's been searching for. He wanted to feel like he had a purpose and he didn't just exist for someone else pleasure. He wanted to feel needed more then wanted.

(Unfinished story will stay unfinished)

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