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                “Allison! Wait for me.” Lydia said as she saw Allison walking down the hallway. Allison turned around and smiled. It’s been 58 days since Scott ran away, and even though Derek said she only had two month, it has been harder for Lydia to ease Allison into this stuff. So she changed her plan and decided to throw everything at her at once, last minute so she can’t say no. Lydia still had two days, but something in Lydia knew that she had to tell her tonight, it was just a gut feeling. “You should come over tonight, Stiles and Jackson is going to be there.” Lydia said.

                “Sure, I just have to go home real fast, but I’ll be there as soon as I can.” Allison said smiling. Stiles walked over with Jackson, laughing together. They have become friends over this time period and Lydia was glad because she didn’t know if she could handle their bickering. Plus, Stiles needed a guy friend. When Scott left, he become quieter and was forced to listen to girls talk all the time.

                “Hey guys, what’s up?” Stiles asked.

                “Oh I was just saying how we are going to hang out to talk.” Lydia said as she looked at Stiles, widening her eyes and then smiling again. Stiles just nodded and they all headed to class. School seemed to pass quickly, or maybe it was just because Lydia was feeling nauseous almost, nervous about letting Allison back into her old life. The bell rang and Allison got out her seat, walking to Lydia.

                “It looks like I’m just going to go to your house.” Allison said holding up her phone. Lydia smiled a small smile and nodded. She motioned Stiles and Jackson over, who obediently came over. They all walked to their cars and drove to Lydia’s house.

                Once they arrived to Lydia’s house, Lydia looked around and got out the car. They all walked to her room in silence. Allison ran and jumped onto Lydia’s bed making herself comfortable as everyone else made them-selves comfortable.

                “So what do you guys want to do?” Allison asked so innocently, Lydia could feel her chest tighten.

                “I want to tell you my favorite story, about a girl and a boy who fell in love.” Lydia said, glancing at Stiles and Jackson. Allison smiled and leaned into her arms. Lydia cleared her throat and took a deep breathe. “Before the girl moved into town, the boy didn’t know love, at least, not real love. He was nobody; no one knew who he was. When the girl moved into town, he was only starting to get noticed. The girl, moved here not knowing anyone and she immediately noticed him. It took everybody years to notice him, and it took her matter of seconds to see him.

                “And when he first saw the girl, he knew that something about her was going to drive him crazy inside because she was different, he could just see it in her eyes. He knew he would love her until he took his last breathe.” Stiles said, interrupting Lydia. Lydia looked at Stiles and nodded.

                “They were drunk off each other. The way they laughed. The way they would sneak glances even though they knew they were looking. Even from far away you could see it. You could see their love, it radiated off of them, and it all happened in a matter of weeks.” Jackson said looking over at Allison who now was smiling and her eyes shined. Lydia smiled a little.

                “Then everything was gone, their peaceful love was turned into a battle to stay with each other.” Lydia began again. “You see the girl was a hunter, but not a normal hunter, a supernatural hunter.” Lydia looked Allison, who know had a lost look in her face.

                 “The boy she fell in love with was a werewolf. He was turned by bite that he didn’t want. They fought against everyone to stay with each other, and they fought against evil at the same time. All this only to have the girl lose hope and call it quits. The boy knew that they would be together again and accepted it, and he accepted his new abilities. That girl changed his life, he accepted himself because she accepted him. She was his anchor; she was what he needed in life. He knew he couldn’t change what happened to him, and he knew without the bite, his life wouldn’t have been where it was. He ended up being grateful.” Stiles said, now sitting up on the couch.

                “Then, on one of their many missions, the girl got hurt and she lay dying.” Lydia took over. “Her whole life she fought and on this day she just didn’t have any fight left in her. But she tried to fight against all the odds. She put pressure onto her wound which oozed blood, and she lay there in the arms of the boy losing the fight. But she wasn’t in pain though, she was numb. And with her last breath she said the words she was scared of, I love you.” Lydia continued on. “She died in the arms of her first and last true love, and after her death, no one knew how to move on. Everything seemed to be destroyed. No one knew how to function. Her best friend was isolated, her friends were numb, her dad was crushed, and the boy was heartbroken. He did try to move on, but he knew there was no comparison.”

                “Then, after a long, tiring battle, her friends managed to bring her back and for second, they were all happy just seeing her breathing. But that all vanished when she asked who they were. She lost her memory. The boy lost his faith, and his inner werewolf started to gain control. It took one sentence to trigger him, he let himself lose and he evolved into a full werewolf and ran off. His anchor didn’t know him and he was alone, scared.” Jackson finished looking at Allison who had some tears in her eyes, threatening to come out.

                “And then, and then what happened?” Allison asked, her eyes growing with curiosity, but her smile was fading. Lydia looked at her and smiled a sad smile.

                “That’s up to you.” Lydia said. Allison raised an eyebrow and sat back. “Allison,” Lydia hesitated, “Allison that story was of you. Allison you and Scott had something amazing and we need you to bring him back. He only had two month, but now he has two days. ” Lydia said looking at Allison, tears forming in her eyes. Allison face went blank, and she looked at all three of them, who face was full of anxiety and desperation.

                “No,” Allison said, finally speaking. “That’s crazy. I would never be a hunter, but a supernatural hunter?! That’s ridiculous!” Allison said starting to get red with anger. “Who do you guys think you are talking about a life that I don’t even remember?! You know what,” Allison said as she stood up from the bed and pointed at every single one of them. “Don’t ever talk to me again!” Allison shouted and tried to push Jackson out of the way to leave. Jackson stood his ground with ease, and kept his hand on the doorknob.

                “Allison, I know you don’t believe me, but I can prove it, I swear to God. Just le…” Lydia tried to explain before she was cut off.

                “Don’t bother!” Allison shouted whipping back to Lydia. She tried to run to the window, but Stiles caught her. Allison pushed him off and ran to a corner, burying her face into her hands and let out a sigh of frustration. She looked up from her hands and lunged towards Lydia knocking her down. They rolled around, and Allison sat on top of her holding her hands down. “Tell them to let me go, or so help me God, I’ll call the police!” Lydia thrashed against Allison, but Allison never loosened her grip and Lydia ended up giving up.

                “Jackson, show her!” Lydia shouted as Allison still held her down, not even glancing over to Jackson. Jackson closed his eyes and opened them; he saw Allison not even looking so he walked over to Lydia and Allison, pulling Allison off. Allison shook one of her hands free and smacked him. Jackson growled and his claws came out. Allison anger grew into fear as she stared into Jackson’s eyes. She saw that they were glowing blue and his grip on her hands got tighter. Stiles and Lydia tried to pry Jackson off, but Jackson kept his grip on her. Allison started to feel her breathing start to get heavy and become quick. Soon her vision started to go blurry and everything went black as she collapsed. 

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