Chapter Two

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Logan P.O.V

Today, my new brother would be coming to live with us. I was actually kinda nervous when they told me he would be coming so soon. All I really knew about him was his name, which was Devin. I wish I knew more about him, but from the way mom described him, he's not very open about who he is and what he's into. Right now, I was discussing the matter with Jenn and my other track buddy Michael. 

"I wonder if he goes to this school." Jenn said. She looked around the cafeteria. 

"Jenn, I dont even know what he looks like, so it's not like we can find him." I sighed and started to rub my temples. Sometimes she was so dense. Jenn is a five foot tall girl with long black hair that she usually kept up in a messy bun. She had fiery brown eyes that had a tint of red to them. She may be short, but she's a fast little fireball. 

"So? Several Devins go to our school, we just need to find the right one."

"Jenn, we dont know if he goes to this school or not. Maybe he doesnt go to school at all. "

"Do you know his last name?" Michael was practically lounging on the bench across from us. His long frame made it impossible for him to sit anywhere without having to stretch out his legs in front of him. He had bright red hair that had highlights of copper in it, and green eyes. I used to call him The Giant Leprechan, but he started to get pissed about it, and I didnt want to get decked by someone twice my size, so I stopped. 

"Nope. Just Devin."

"Did your parents tell you anything about the guy?"

"Yeah, a bit. He's supposedly really shy, but 'sweet' and 'has a really bad past'. But thats all I know. And he's my age. But other than that, nothing."

"And you're gonna meet him today?"

"Yeah, after school." I bit my lip and and started fidgeting slightly. 

"Nervous?" Jenn always knew when I was feeling anxious. 

"A bit. I mean, I'm going to be living with the guy. Hell, he's practically going to be my brother. I dont want him to hate me, or me hate him." I sighed and we talked the rest of the time about nothing important; Just something to keep my mind occupied. The bell rang, signally the end of lunch and the start of third period. 


My dad and I were sitting on the couch, waiting for mom to get home with Devin. She left to go get him about an hour ago, and we were still waiting for her to get back. Dad still hadnt met him in person before, so he was pretty nervous too, but at least he has talked to him before.

When we heard the garage opening, we both jumped, trying not to run to go see him. But we didnt want to freak him out too much on the first day. 

Mom came in, holding a small backpack. She looked over her shoulder, smiling. 

"Come on honey, they wont bite. This is your home now." She set the backpack next to the coffee table near where dad and I was sitting. Dad was standing up now, waiting for Devin to walk in. When  he did, my jaw dropped. 

He was a little on the shorter side, standing at around 5''5. He was wearing a baggy t-shirt and hand me down jeans, making him look skinny and to be honest, a bit weak. Blonde hair hung down on his forehead and slightly into his eyes, which were the most captivating, yet most haunting part of him. They were big and green, and were obviously filled with fear and sadness. When I got a closer look at his face, I noticed his cheeks were a bit sunken in and he had big bags under his eyes. 

But the first thing I noticed wasnt his eyes, the way he dressed, or his hair. It was because I knew him. He was Devin Lutz. He goes to my school and is treated like dirt by the football meatheads and the teachers dont do much to help him either. I dont remember a time when he didnt come to school without a bruise or a limp. He was always sad and I never once saw him smile. 

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