Chapter Nine (Part 2)

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HEY! Its been awhile, hasnt it? I havent been posting on this story because I was mainly focusing on Always, since its been getting more feedback and stuff. If you guys want me to post more for this story, then you gotta show me that you want me to. Dont forget about the requirements for the next update. If the requirements arent met, then I wont post. That simple. If it takes more than a month for them to be met, then I'll post regardless. But who wants to wait a month or so for another chapter? No one. So please be a bunch of gum drops and comment and vote <33

ALSO, this chapter isnt gonna be all lovey dovey, its gonna be sentimental and shit. You'll see what I mean once you read ;)

-Sara :D

P.S: I just realized that my last goals were met and I didnt post I'M SO SORRY D: I feel like a dick

Logans POV:

After our ride on the ferris wheel, I could tell Devin was getting really tired. I was practically holding him up from falling with he head resting on my shoulder and his eyes closed as we walked along the boardwalk. The only bad part about the board walk is that you have to walk all the way back to where you started, making your feet hate you even more than you hate yourself for walking this far in the first place. But Devin was literally about to fall asleep, and I dont think it'll be a good idea for him to sleep and walk at the same time. 

I suddenly stopped walking, and Devin stumbled a bit, then looked at me all confused for stopping. His eyelids were drooping and I knew right then there was no way I could make him walk. So, being the amazing person I am, I bent over slightly and motioned for Devin to get on my back. When he looked at me like a confused puppy, I couldnt help but chuckle and shake my head. 

"I'm giving you a piggy back ride," I said and smiled gently at him. But he still looked at me strange. 

"Whats a piggy back ride?"



I straightened up and looked at him with wide eyes. "You've never had a piggy back ride before?" He shook his head, making his hair go all over the place. "You poor, deprived child. All you have to do, is jump on my back and wrap your arms around my neck and I'll hold your legs up with my arms." I bent over once again and looked behind me to ask,"Ready?"

He nodded and hopped onto my back, surprising me with how light he was. I hooked his legs into my arms and he grabbed onto my neck before I started moving again. The warmth from his body seaped into me, and I couldnt help but notice how much I loved having him this close to me. 

About five minutes later, feel Devin angle his head forward, resting it in the crook of my neck. I can feel his head lightly brush against my cheek and his warm breath breezing onto my skin. I shudder at the feeling, then promptly ignore it as I walk back to my car.


By the time I finally reached my car, Devin had fallen asleep, snuggled up on my back like it was the most comfortable bed in the whole damn world. At first when I noticed he had fallen asleep, I was worried that he was going to have another nightmare, but he seemed to be more at ease when he was around someone he was comfortable with while he slept. 

As gently as possible, I removed Devin from my back and settled him into the car seat. He fidgeted for a bit, looking a bit distressed like he knew I wasnt there anymore. I rushed to the drivers side of the car and jumped in, then quickly reached over and held his hand, which was shaking slightly. He slowly started to calm down, and I couldnt help but smile at the way he curled up and held my hand to his cheek. 

When we got to the hotel, I knew I had to wake him up, even though I really didnt want to disturb him in his sleep. So I reluctantly shook his shoulder gently, making him slowly wake up. He blinked a couple of times, rubbed his eyes, yawned twice, then finally looked at me and smiled. 

"Where are we?"

"I got us a room at a hotel, we're going to be staying here tonight." I grinned when he nodded sleepily, obviously not caring where we slept as long as there was a bed for him to lie down in. I unbuckled his seat belt for him, knowing he was so tired, he would probably try to get up without taking it off. 

Right when I opened my door and almost got out, he poked my side and I turned to see him smiling sheepishly at me. "Will you give me another piggy back ride?" I chuckled slightly and nodded, then got out of the car to go around to his side. I opened his door and bent over, gesturing him to get on my back. He dragged himself onto my back and got comfortable. much like he did on the walk to my car earlier. 

I shut his car door with my hip and headed inside and went to the front desk to get a key for our room. When I got to the front desk, the lady working there awed at Devin cuddled on my back, making me blush. 

"I made a reservation under the name Madden (A/N: I dont know if I mentioned their last name before, and I cant remember it D: So if I did and I put the wrong last name, let me know). We need a key please." The woman smiled at us and turned her back towards us, digging in some drawers for a key. 

"Here you are, dear. Have a nice rest, it looks like he needs it," She said, smiling softly and nodding her head towards Devin. I laughed and nodded lightly, then said goodnight before walking off to the elevator. 

We got in the elevator and waited to reach our floor. While waiting, another woman came in the elevator and smiled in greeting. She was a middle aged woman with ashy blonde hair and dull green eyes. She had dark circles under her eyes and didnt really pay any attention to us. 

"Logaaan," Devin removed one of his arms from my neck and poked my cheek with his finger, making me laugh softly and smile. "Are we almost to our room?"

"We're almost there Devin, just wait a bit longer." He sighed and snuggled his head back into the crook of my neck. 

"Excuse me?" I turned and faced the woman from before, she was looking at me with wide eyes, her vision dancing back and forth between me and Devin. "Devin? Is that you?"

I suddenly felt myself tense up, feeling suspicious of the woman. Devin didnt talk much about his past, but I knew it wasnt a good one, making me feel uneasy about this woman who seemed to know him. Devin stirred and looked up, blinking a few times before he focused on the woman. He gasped and I worriedly looked at the woman again, thinking she could be putting him in danger. But I was surprised to see tears welling in her eyes as she studied Devins face some more. I felt him drop from my back and jump on the woman, claiming her in a tight hug, which she returned as they both sobbed. 

She pulled out of the hug to hold his face in his hands while she cried, tears streaking down her face. "Oh my God! My dear Devin, you're here! You're here! I missed you so much, I thought- I- I thoug-" 

"I missed you too Aunt May," and with another wail, he pulled her back in for a hug. 

Short and no real romance, but this plays a big part in the plot, so deal with it :) 


1. I just want 5 comments answering the questions I have listed below please :)

Chapter Questions:

1. Why do you think the reunion of Devin and his Aunt was so dramatic?

2. What do you think will happen now that Devin has found his Aunt (family wise)?

3. What do you want to see in the next chapter?

4. Any questions for me?


-Sara <3

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