Chapter 1: Thoughts

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Jennica Point of View

"Hi jennica" what I hate the most is someone who pretended to be friendly but deep inside want to backstab you at all

I tried my best to hide my emotion and to be strong in front of everyone

"Hi, sarah" I said

"Let's go, the class will start now" she pulled me and we walk fast as we can to reach the first class

Sarah is my first friend who treated me special eventually destroy my image

"Ah wait, you go first. I'll just wait for the others" something is off, no wonder why she never wanted to be with me because she is a famous girl here in royale academy wherein princess and prince studying

I'm the only girl who study here with an average life, not a princess but an ordinary girl

"Ah okay, I'll go ahead now" I said and walk through the door then suddenly a water splashed and my clothes got wet

Again? Jennica, don't cry. Be strong but I can't stop my emotion and I started to cry again. Everyday in my life, I always end up being bullied by everyone

"Oopps, sorry about that" I knew she's the one who planned this one

"I think you don't belong here jennica"

"If I were you, you should transfer and go to an ordinary academy"

"You're not even pretty at all"

"Don't you even know, what academy did you attended?"

"Duh, It's a Royale Academy for prince and princess but you're not even counted"

"Look at yourself"

"Ugly, nerd, weird, pathetic, and stupid"

"Even noah won't like you because the way you look and dress"

I started to think a lot of things and question which make myself asked "why do I look like this?"

"Why are you glaring at me jennica!" then she pulled my hair

This is too much

"What a shame"

"Maybe her mom also look ugly like her"

"I saw her mom and look pitiful and old"

"You don't belong here jennica"

I pulled her hair. Never ever mention my mom and say things like that to her

"Let go of my hair" she pulled my hair harder but I did the same thing even it hurts seeing her get hurt

"You don't even know me sarah!" I shouted again and this time I want to hurt her

When someone hold my hand and I know who it was. Its noah felix the guy I liked

"What are you doing to sarah!"

"Noah, she star...." when I couldn't finished what I'm saying because the way he looked at me

"Don't you even dare come near at sarah. I thought you're a nice girl but all this time I'm wrong" and held sarah hand fixing her hair

"Are you alright sarah?" If I'm just a princess, maybe people will treat me the same thing.

People keep staring at me. I went outside and didn't attend class anymore because I can't handle people gossip. I trust people easily and cared for them. Tired and sick of it because people treat me like this

"How I wish that I want to be pretty also?"

Someone sat next to me but I didn't even care at all. I feel so pathetic and people drag me down

Then I saw a wallet and notebook. I think the person sat next to me left this. I need to find him

Where is he? I don't even know his name also what he looks like. But I do know that he is wearing a black jacket

That must be him??

"Excuse me" he turned around and saw me

"This must be yours" I said and handed the wallet and notebook

"Oh thank you" then he smiled at me

"Okay bye" I said

I didn't know there is a academy here. Dream Academy?? What a weird name

"Wait, how can I repay you?" he asked and looking at me. Handed me a handkerchief

"No need to" I said

"Do you have a dream?"

"I guess so" I said with hesitant voice. I find him weird and strange guy

"Since you have give back my things, I'll grant you 5 wishes that will make your dream come true?"

Are you a gennie??? Well, I'm shocked at the same time happy?

"Follow me" he said and I just did what he asked for even I don't knos him

Suddenly, I felt something weird that made me have goosebumps

"Where is this place?" I asked

"Welcome to Dream Academy"

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