Chapter 6: First Wish - A Friend Who I Can Count On

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Jennica Point of View

"Look at her funny face"

"What a shame"

"What a pity, ugly girl"

"Why did she even study here?"

"She doesn't belong here"

"Not even a princess"

"Look at yourself, wearing glasses. Lousy clothes"

Please leave me alone! Just leave me alone. I'm begging you! Leave me alone

They laughed at me

Please stop!!! I close my ears but I felt someone lend a hand and I look who it was but I couldn't see clearly because of the light that covering his face

That's when I suddenly woke up because everyone is staring at me already especially the teacher

"What are you doing Ms. Mendoza? Sleeping in my class?"

I feel nervous and there is no words coming out of my mouth like as if it been stucked in my mind. Every person in the class started to whisper and talked about me which make me feel tremble and terrible

"If you don't want to listen in my class, get out in this classroom right now!!" the teacher shouted and got mad because she doesn't want to anyone sleeping in her class

"I started to feel weird lately ever since I bumped into that guy and entered that dream academy"

"I feel pathetic because I thought it was real but it was all fake and I end up believing on it" tears started to fall and I feel anxious and scared lately. I trust too much that made myself feel hurt by my own thoughts. I hate myself too much because of this.

"Who are you talking to jennica" I wipe my tears and stand up because I already know who's voice is that

"And what is this dream academy you're talking about. Are you finally transferring to another academy?"

I don't want to talk to her. All I want is to be alone. All I want is inner peace. I walk out infront of her but she suddenly pulled my hair

"I'm talking to you jennica! How rude you are!"

"Let go of my hair sarah, and I don't want to talk to you" I said

"Now, you're trying to fight back" she slapped me hard and I fell down on the ground

"What do you want from me? Can you just leave me alone! You treated me like nothing but I treated you like a family" I said it out of nowhere

"Family?? We're not even related in blood. You're not pretty enough to be treated like a family. You're so ugly jennica look at yourself"

"You know what, you're pretty but a bitch spoiled princess who always spend money. And take advantage of everything" I said

She pulled my hair again

"Remember this jennica, you're not even in my level and standard. I don't even think of you as a friend ever since we met. You look like a ugly duckling and trash. You don't even belong here"

Please please, Can I just have a true friend who I can count? I wish I had a friend like that. I wish, it will come true. Please, please help me

"Are you even listening to me jennica??" she was about to slap me when someone butt in and hold her hand

"Are you alright?" the guy asked

"Who are you!! Mind your own business you idiot!"

"No! You mind your own business sarah. And you don't have the right to say things like that to jennica" the guy said when sarah feel annoyed and left

He helped me stand up and hold my hand. He took me away from here and didn't say anything

But one thing made me come to my sense is do I know him? And how did he know my name?? As if we met before

I removed his hand on my wrist thats when he stopped walking

"Okay, let me get this straight. Sorry but do I know you??"

"I've been watching you every single day but I couldn't stand how they treated you"

I don't understand what he mean by that

"How do you know my name?" I asked strangely

"I already know you before"

I don't really get what he is saying. Oh wait, we're here in dream academy?? How come?? I thought it was fake but is not. It was actually here

"Is this??"

"Yes, you're here in the dream academy"

"Wah! I thought It doesn't exist because I was looking for it but couldn't find it" I said

"Because you can't, if you always doubt about yourself"

What does he mean by that?? Doubt about myself?? How?? Like I don't know what he is saying

"I save you from getting hurt by those people who always bully you"

"You wish that you could have a friend you can count on, right?"

How did he know that??

"Well I can be that friend who you can always count on through ups and down of your life. You can always talk to me if you needed it"

"Really? Can I?" I said. What?? How come this words coming to my mouth without thinking about it

"Yes" he said and smiled at me

"Not all of us I have a real friend by our side but only those who are really true to us. A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are."

"Which I can be that friend"

He continuously keep talking to me which made me smile because I can see his sincerity the way he talk and make me feel comfortable without saying harsh words that would hurt me

"If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together... there is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we're apart... I'll always be with you." he said that made me feel sad like same goes of saying goodbye like we won't see each other again

"Your first wish had finally come true. And I can be your friend who you can count on. Just believe and see. Never doubt your dreams just believe in the beauty of your dream that will come true"

That made me feel confused

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