My Life Begins Here

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I'm Jennica Mendoza, an average girl hate and bully by everyone because of my appearance and looks. They call me nerd, ugly, and no one likes me

Even my friends pity me who I trust the most but end up being betray and judge

How does my life here begins? Well, I just into music instead of listening to those gossips and rumors about me. Nobody wants to be with me

"Oh sorry my bad" one of the mean girls spill a milk in my head and everyone laughs at me

"Oh let me help you" and someone reach a hand to help me stand up but then again


"I don't like ugly girls like you" that one hits me hard and I started crying because everyday I hear those words that made me feel pathetic

"Look, who's stupid"

"Poor girl she is"

"Even the guy he likes doesn't even want to be with her"

"Who's that ugly chubby girl"

"Its the nerd girl"

I stand up and run as far as away here in school because all I want is inner peace. I went home and my mom is waiting for me outside

My mom approached me and hugged me because she already know what happened. She can't do anything at all but trying to make me feel happy.

"Everything is going to be alright, don't mind those people who hurt you. Remember, someday someone will appreciate and accept you for who you are even how you look" that made my heart feel at ease. My mom is the only person who can make me smile, laugh and happy even no matter how hard the situation is

"Mom, thank you and I love you" I said and went to my room. I can't imagine my life being judge by everyone, every single day. Well my mom is pretty while me, I'm not but she always told me that "Jennica, you're pretty believe in that"

I wish the book I'm reading will also become one of my dream. Wherein a girl met four guys in her academy that would help her feel special even everyone hates her.

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