Chapter 2: Dream Academy

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Jennica Point of View

"Welcome to Dream Academy"

Dream Academy? It's my first time but didn't know there is a academy like that. It's like same in the book I'm reading

"Dream Academy? Does this place exist?" I asked but the guy suddenly disappear without letting me know his name

What a weird guy he is

I don't even know where am I

I suddenly wake up because of the alarm on my phone.

"Sweetie, are you awake?? I already prepare breakfast for you"

I fix my bed and change my clothes. Prepare my things for school and went to the dining room to eat. Which my mom prepare a lot of food for me even though there are just two of us in this house

"What happened to you yesterday?? Your clothes got wet" my mom is always worried about me because I can't even make any excuses for her to feel less worry

"Nothing mom, I'm fine" I lied because I don't want her to know what sarah did to me

"Are you sure sweetie?"

"Yes I am mom, don't worry about it anymore. Let's just eat" I don't want to show her my weak side and mixed emotion I'm feeling right now. I always want to be strong infront of her everyone insult me, embarass me and hurt me but I don't want them to make my mom cry

"I'm done mom, I'm going to school right now. Bye bye" I kissed her in the cheek and left the house but my tears suddenly fell which I can't stop crying

"Why is this happening? All I want is to be happy without getting hurt by others" I said to myself

I count my steps and walk slowly so that I could stop my tears from falling because would end up bullying me again because I look ugly and weak

I saw unfamiliar place around the corner. Wait that's the academy I saw yesterday

Dream Academy?? Should I walk through that way?? Or not??

"Maybe I should just ignored it" but someone bumped into me and run fast towards the academy

"Excuse me, yo...." maybe I'll just follow him instead

"Excuse me" I called him

Wow, this academy is amazing and its really big

"Hello jennica"

"Goodmorning, welcome"

"Welcome to dream academy jennica"

"Enjoy yourself here"

Students greeted me without me knowing them. Its getting weird. Oh the guy, I must find him

"Jennica, lets go the class will start in 5 minutes" someone pulled me and walk fast as if we're going to be late like its 6am in the morning

"Wait, do I know y..."

"No time for talking, the professor will be here any minute"

I just shut my mouth until we reach the room and went inside. The professor came late for about 10 minutes

"Kindly prepare a paper. Tell us something about your dream"

I noticed that I don't even know these people around here and what am I doing?

"May I ask for Jennica Mendoza to share about her dream"

What?? Me?? I just stand up and start sharing about my dream

"Dream? I always wanted to have a friend whom I can trust with, someone who will stay by my side and accept for who I really am even no matter how I look like" I said when my tears start falling. I realized that I have friends who are fake

"Don't cry jennica, we're here for you. And remember you're pretty and intelligent"

"Believe in yourself"

"The beauty in our dreams is something we must believe and cherish"

I find this academy overwhelming wherein every single person will compliment you not because what they see in you but what they believe. But how did I end up here without me asking these people here??

"We're here for you jennica"

"If you need a friend, just call us"

"You're not alone, and we love you"

"Jennica, look not all around you are true to you. One thing you need to do is to find those people whom you can trust with your heart not by your own will. Never force something that might hurt you in the end. Nothing last if you let yourself get deceived by those people who are willing to take you for granted"

"Ugly?? Weak?? Nerd?? Chubby?? Its painful to hear for those friends who you believe they want to be with you"

How did he know??

"Jennica, be yourself and always believe in your dreams"

Since I entered this academy, people will never judge me because how I look but they know how it feels to be insult with someone else

"Dream Academy" I said

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