Chapter 8: A Question That I Can't Find An Answer

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Jennifer Point of View

When everytime I wish for something, someone will appear but I don't know why. It keep making everything out of nowhere

Where should I begin? The guy I bumped into? The time I saw a school which is called dream academy? Or when a guy told to make a wish for five times??"

Then I realized, I only have three left to wish for?? There are still question stuck in my mind that left unanswered

Where should I start looking??

I went to my school and I won't mind those question I can't find any answer

Here am I, went back to where should I be

"Jennifer" that voice which I hate the most. I turn around and she throw the bag at me

"I think you should hold this for me"

Don't you even have a hand? When I couldn't even say this to her because I'm afraid to say something that would hurt her pride and ego

"Okay sandra" she's with nico

"Hi nico" I greeted him but he just ignore as if I don't even exist

"Babe, let's go eat"

"Let's go" and the other girls throw their bag at me. I'm not even their slave

Why am I so afraid of sandra? Why can't I even fight back? Why do I look so pathetic? I hope someone is here with me and talking to me

I hate this kind of life, been order around with these stupid girls who pretended to be my friends but I was all left alone here

Nico hate me because what I did to sandra and he even told me that I'm ugly

Am I ugly?? And I look into the mirror

I see a girl who is wearing a glass with a nerd look who can never be pretty like other girls

"Why do look sad?" when someone asked

I turn around, and its unfamiliar face to me. Do I know him??

"You must be jennifer mendoza?" he asked

Oh wait, he's the guy I met in the dream academy who told me to make 5 wishes

"Ah ye... Where did he go?"

"I'm here"

"Wah!" I shouted, he almost gave me an heart attack gosh

"Need to shout jennifer" he said

"Do you want to go somewhere else except staying here?" he told me

How did he know that I want to go somewhere else?? He's a really weird guy

"Yah sure, but I can't leave these bag alone here" I said because they would bully me again if that happen

"You can, just trust me" he hold my hand and leave this place and go somewhere else

"Don't be afraid, because they won't hurt you at all as long as you're with me"

"Are you a student here in this school??" I asked but he didn't answered at all. Did he just ignore me?

"No I didn't" ha?? What? Can he read my mind??

"It's all over your face jennifer that's why I can easily tell about your expression"

"Oh that's amazing, I can see" I said

"We're here"

Wow, disneyland! I never been here at all and It's my first time to come here

"Let's have a date" he said

"Oh no, I look ugly" he just smiled at me and didn't even say a word but instead he hugged me

"Be confident, you are pretty on your own way"

"No I'm not"

"Yes you are" he hold my hand

"Those who bully you will never be pretty because of having an immature attitude" that made smile somehow

"Let's go"

"Girl, he is so handsome"

"Wait, he's the artist that I'm been talking about"

"Omg, really? Wow! We should ask an autograph"

Wait, an artist? This guy with me

"You must be an artist right?" the girls asked

"Yes I am" and then they suddenly looked at me from head to toe

I let of my hand and leave him since the fans my get mad at me and mobbed me for no reason. But he still hold my hand

"Oh sorry about that, we didn't mean to offend you" they said to me

"Ah no, it's fine" I said

"Wow, you're so pretty" no one said that to me only this guy and the three guys I met

"Is she your girlfriend?" they asked

"Ah yes, she is" he said without thinking twice


"Can we have a picture together with your girlfriend?"


Is that serious?

"See, people will tell you that. Always remember be confident because you're pretty and everyone will appreciate it"

That made me feel a little bit happy. He took me anywhere and we ride all the extreme rides and I can see he is smiling

I hope this is not dream because this day is special for me since someone already appreciate me for who I am

But I guess that "Being ugly is not my fault, people just don't appreciate you for who you really are no matter what you look like"

Because they just tend to like you if you are pretty enough to be with them

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2020 ⏰

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