Chapter 3: Where Have You Been?

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Jennica Point of View

I feel so much assured that there are some people who still accept you for who you are not because how you look

"You seem happy sweetie?? Is there something happen good yesterday??"

I can't stop smiling while thinking about yesterday. Even though I'm not sure what happened yesterday. I really find it weird. I need to know and find out about that academy

"I need to go now mom, I'll talk to you  later" I rushed to get my things and run off at the house to look for that academy

I must ask someone to answer all of my question. It seems odd how do they know me? My name and like they know me for years. Even my situations.

"Where is it?" I thought it was just here yesterday but there's nothing but an old store

"You must be kidding me?" it made me feel anxious because I must be dreaming yesterday but it felt so real like its not an imagination at all. And I'm not crazy and start imagining things

"Hey, jennica!" that voice, which I knew its her

"What are you doing here??"

I didn't answer her but still looking for that academy

"I'm talking to you jennica" here am I again nothing but old jennica who always end up being her good friend and cover everything for her

"Ah yes, what is it?" I asked even though I don't want to talk to her

She throw her bag to me and smile suspiciously because I know what's going to happen

"What are you so afraid of? As if I'm going to eat you?" and her so-called friend laugh at me continuously embarass

"Where have you been yesterday? As if you have transferred to another academy?" all I can see is her fake smile to show it to everyone

"We been looking for you but you seem to be upset about what happened"

All I can think is the dream academy which I couldn't find it anywhere

"Let's go"

Where is that dream academy??

"Jennica, what are you waiting for??? As if you have a boyfriend when no one likes you at all" that strikes me hard

"Sorry my bad" and she just laughed then left me

Why do I always make myself feel sorry and pity? What am I so afraid of?

Being left alone when I always feel it that way. Afraid of losing even they're just fake at the first place. Being anxious because they might destroy you. What does a true friend mean? When I couldn't have one

How I wish I could have a true friend who will protect me with these kind of people

Someone bumped into me

"I'm so sorry"

"No, it's okay. Are you.." the person went off

Thats odd, where did that prson go without getting to know each other.

Maybe I'll just go back to royale academy even I'm sick and tired of those things happening to me

"Noah is looking for you. Meet him at the park" 

What a surprise, he is looking for me?? What for??

I didn't know he still want to talk to me after what he told me

"Jennica" I turned around and saw him smiling at me. I don't know if it is real or fake because its hard to convince myself for it

"Yes" I just said it plain without putting another word to it

"Where have you been yesterday?" I don't know why does everyone here keep asking me. Because I do feel they don't even care at all and just feel pity at me


"I heard that you didn't attend your class yesterday"

Well I did but in the dream academy which make feel at ease

"Quite a surprise huh?"

"A little bit" I said feeling a little bit shy

"I've been noticing you and looking at you even in a secret way"

That flutter my heart and skip a beat. It made me smile

"You know what, I like you jennica" without hestitation

It made me blush and I started to feel nervous

"Why...someone like me?" I asked

"You're beautiful enough in my eyes"

I looked at him

"So...." he approached and said "will you be my girlfriend?" that made me surprise even more withouth thinking

I lowered my head for a second then saying "Ye...Yes!" I proudly say and smiled 

"Hey! How long did it take?"

"55 seconds"

I saw sarah and her friends filming. Made a big laugh and everyone is looking at me

"What a shame"

"Stupid girl"

"As if noah will like her"

"What a foolish girl"

"She look ugly"

I started to cry again and can't stop my emotion.

"Noah, I thought you really like jennica"

"No way! I can't even imagine myself being with her" noah said and his friends keep looking at me with a disgusting impression

I was more hurt by what he said. I always keep running away when everytime this happen

"Where do you think you're going? I'm not done wi..."

"Just leave me alone!" I shouted

I went to another place wherein no one can see me crying. I'm too weak and too emotional. Stupid enough to believe

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