Chapter 7: It Really Do Exist

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Jennica's Point of View

I'm still confused yesterday which I don't know what's happening. Because all I know is that a guy save me from sarah who almost going to hurt me again

But one thing for sure that made my mind up is I must look for that dream academy which made me want to know what kind of academy is it

Like there's no history about it

"Your first wish had finally come true. And I can be your friend who you can count on. Just believe and see. Never doubt your dreams just believe in the beauty of your dream that will come true"

My first wish has granted?? But I didn't even make a wish at all. Someone knocked at the door, well its my mom

"It seems to me, you have a new friend in school" my mom said while smiling

"I guess so mom" I said but I don't really know me

I forgot to asked his name, I'm such an idiot

"Well, someone is waiting for you outside" and who is that? I didn't know that I would meet someone today because I don't have any plan at all

I went downstair and look for myself who it was. But I'm not familiar at all

"May I know who you are" I asked because I don't know him

"How is your first wish?" he asked

That made me even more confused

"Look mister, but I don't know. I need to go to school now" without hesitation I went upstair then wear my uniform and pack my things

"Mom, I'll see you later. I need to go now" I kiss my mom and left

Finally, the guy is gone. How does he even know where I live?

"Because I can see you everywhere" he said

"What the hell?? You scared me out of death! Would you please stop that" I said because it gave me an heart attack

"Oh sorry about that" he pulled me

"What are you doing" I demand but he just pinpoint the car rushing

That almost killed me. But how did he know? Can he read minds or what?

"Okay let me get this straight, I don't even know you okay? But I need to go now" I said and left without saying another word but he hold my wrist and pull me closely

"Turn around" he said which made me do it

Well, now I do believe that it really exist. But how come??

"So wait mis...." he's gone again, I couldn't even ask his name

I slowly walk through the academy, once I step in. Its still here

"Wah, I thought its not real" I said to myself

"Hi jennica"

"Morning Jennica, Hope you're having a nice day"

"How are you? You're pretty today"

I still couldn't believe that this is really happening right now

"Jennica" that voice sounds familiar and I turn around

Its him!!!! I approached him immediately but I suddenly trip and fell down. I got a little wound and bruise on my knee and elbow

He approached me quickly and carry me

"You should be careful next time, lets go put some medicine on your wound"

I can't believe I'm talking to a stranger. Like really because I couldn't ask his name which definitely made me curious

"I think you're curious about my name" he said bluntly

"Omg, like how do you know?" I asked because that made me creeps out

"Well, its all over your face, that kind of look" he laughed

He looks cute somehow

He knock at the door and someone said "Come in". We went inside and I saw a doctor

"What happen to jennica??" the doctor asked

How come everyone here in the academy know me? But I don't even know them at all

"Sit over here" he told me and just did what he asked

He put ointment and looking at me

"You should be careful next time"

Why do they have the same saying like what! That made me stand up on my position

"Are you alright??"

"Okay, wait I still don't know what's happening here but I need to go now"  I said and run

I'm really confused now, how did I end up here?? I suddenly bumped to someone

"Oh I'm sorry" he helped me

"No it's fine, are you alright??" he asked

I don't really know what's happening anymore

"Relax, you feel anxious. Let's sit over there" he point out the bench

I need to think properly, inhale exhale jennica

"Jennica" he called

Also him, he knows my name. But how come I don't know their name?? Mygosh

"Okay okay, wait. This academy do really exist, right?" I said


Okay, one of my question answered

"How come you know my name?" which made me think about it

"Because I always keep an eye on you" he said

Are you a stalker??

"Because I'm always studying at your academy. You just don't notice me at all" he said frankly

What?? Why can't I see him??

"Anyway, since you're fine now. Do you want to eat something?" he asked

My stomach is growling which made him laugh. That's kinda embarassing at all

"Yah sure, I'm hungry" I said

We went to the cafeteria and looked for food to eat. He just get everything and put it on the tray

And its all my favorite

"Lets go find seats"

Wait, I didn't yet bought anything

"This is all yours, because I'm not hungry" he said and smiled

What seriously?? How do he know my favorite food??

Why do I ask too many question to myself. Okay, I'll just eat

"After this, I'll send you home" he said

"What is your name?" I asked while eating but he didn't hear me at all because he is listening to a music

I ate all the food he bought me

"I think you're done"  he help me and hold my bag

"I can ho..."

"No I insist to do so, and let's go" I just followed him

He looks calm and kind. I wish I had a friend like him like the guy I met yesterday

"We're here" he said

I still want to be with him because it made me feel comfortable. He gave my bag

"By the way, what is your name?" I asked by he suddenly left

What a weird guy same goes yesterday

"You seem happy dear"

"Yes mom, I find another friend" I said smiling

But I still can't find any answer because I can't help asking those question

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